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 Transport to 2008 Historic Championships.
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244 Posts

Posted - 08 Feb 2008 :  2:44:10 PM  Show Profile  Visit Bummers's Homepage Send Bummers a Private Message  

I've fired off a few emails to Linfox, Bikes Only, Motorcycle Transport & Logistics, Fergusson Racing, Allwest Motorcycle Carriers & Bikenut regarding transport to & from Eastern States to WA for solos & sidecars.
I will let this forum & You must be logged in to see this link. know if I get any positive response.

Emailed as follows:
As you may know, in Nov 08 (23rd, 24th & 25th) the Australian Historic Motorcycle Championships are on at Barbagallo Raceway, Waneroo, WA.
Many sidecars & solo machines will need to be transported from the Eastern States (& NT?) to the raceway & back.

I'm looking for a logistical solution to getting the race vehicles to & from this meeting, as economically as possible. There is an added complication of the WA organisers also putting on a meeting the next weekend at Collie WA. They are trying to encourage those already in WA for the championships to attend both meetings. They are also talking of another the weekend before (17th & 18th Nov), I'm not sure where.

I'm sure most solo motorcycle competitors could crate their machines & gear (as many have done in the past).
I believe in the past sidecars have been secured for transport on top of these crates.

This is purely a private enquiry from myself but if a transport solution can be suggested I can circulate the information to the interested parties. If there was a form of (part?) sponsorship available from *your company*, to help cover competitors travel expenses, I'm sure the competitors (& organisers?) could be interested in displaying your promotional material on their racing machines.
The organisers may also be interested in having *your company* as an official sponsor for the event(s) as I know they are very keen to get Eastern state competitors to their meetings.

Please advise on your interest and/or suggestions? Don't hesitate to contact me if I can be of other assistance or you would like the organisers' details.

Kind regards,
Bernie Summers
Brisbane Qld
Mbl: 0409 048 099

If anyone has any other Transport companies or methods in mind to get gear to WA, let me know & I can send them a similar "request for interest".

I'm hoping that some astute transport company will offer us a deal on a "logistical solution" we can't refuse!

I'd like to suggest if anyone else has contacted transport companies about this matter, then they advise us in this &/or the PCRA forum under the Topic "Transport to 2008 Historic Championships".


“Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting.” Steve McQueen

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Posted - 08 Feb 2008 :  3:06:06 PM  Show Profile  Visit Bummers's Homepage Send Bummers a Private Message  

I just received this reply from Fergusson's:

Hi Bernie,

Thanks for your email, unfortunately we are not able to help you as we do not
travel to WA. We do travel to South Australia, Victoria, ACT, New South Wales,
and Queensland. If there is anything we can help you with in the future please
keep us mind.

Fergussons Specialist Motorcycle Transporters
PO Box 2197
Melton South, VIC, 3338
Tel - 03 9747 1666
Fax - 03 9747 1655

“Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting.” Steve McQueen
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Posted - 08 Feb 2008 :  3:25:35 PM  Show Profile  Visit Bummers's Homepage Send Bummers a Private Message  

And another from Bikes Only:

We are unable to provide the kind of service you are looking for.

Bikes Only

“Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting.” Steve McQueen
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Western Australia

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Posted - 08 Feb 2008 :  11:22:07 PM  Show Profile Send GD66 a Private Message  

Nice going Bernie, but a somewhat disappointing response so far. I know BoHaul Express drag stuff over from Vic to WA, also of course WA Freightlines are involved at quite a high level in car racing. Bikes Only I consider to have a rather unrealistic attitude to life in general. Keep on punching mate, main thing is that you guys are firing up the lines of communication, so no doubt at all it'll get done. And, as we've outlined in another thread, we'll help all we can from this end.
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Posted - 08 Feb 2008 :  11:40:35 PM  Show Profile  Visit Bummers's Homepage Send Bummers a Private Message  

Thanks Glenn,
Just sent off another email to WA Freightlines.
I'll leave BoHaul Express until we get a lack of response from the "national" freighters.

“Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting.” Steve McQueen
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Posted - 13 Feb 2008 :  8:18:03 PM  Show Profile  Visit kavo's Homepage Send kavo a Private Message  


We use a guy to take the QLD guys to Phillip Island, South OZ and Tassie before. Our venture return per bike to Phillip Island this year was $255. This was for 13 bikes.

Transport came up last night at the QEMSC club meeting. Come and have a chat at the Barry Sheene meeting in March. We are thinking about organising a deal with the NSW guys on the way through to fill the truck, as it is a semi he drives. We just pay for the amount of space we use and he backfills the rest.

One thing that is important is the crates must all be of a standard size and a useable size. We use Honda crf250 crates readily available from your friendly dealer. (It might cost you a beer)

I would expect a figure of around $450ish per bike return to WA.

Logistics will need to be worked out at the other end, especially if staying on to do the second race meeting. i.e. maybe a container is a better option as the whole thing can be re-loaded and transported to the other race circuit.


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Posted - 13 Feb 2008 :  9:15:40 PM  Show Profile  Visit Bummers's Homepage Send Bummers a Private Message  

Thanks for that Damien.
If I haven't got anythink else to offer before then I'll see you at BSM.

I was given a couple more transport Co's to contact today - Gibson's & Cameron Group, both sponsor racers or races. I'll send off my email to them. I have also started making enquireies with Qld Rail (hopefully they do deals with NSW & Vic rail).

Max Hooper was talking about building a shelf in a container so outfits can be transported on top of the crated solos - is that possible with "your bloke"?

I figure that the more we can get into one container/load/carriage the better deal we should be able to get. I'm thinking that one transport Co. or rail operator ought to be able to pick up in Brisbane, Sydney, Melb & Adelaide ALL of the bikes that need to be transported to Perth & return them to the same locations a couple of weeks later.
I was going to talk to the guys in "the Club" in WA about getting "the load" to & from the 2 race tracks.

Maybe I'm being too ambitious - but will see what eventuates


“Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting.” Steve McQueen
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Western Australia

390 Posts

Posted - 15 Feb 2008 :  10:43:57 PM  Show Profile Send GD66 a Private Message  

Not at all Bernie, we LIKE ambitious ! We have a nationals committee meeting this Wednesday, and will continue the chat on our options for getting bikes from one circuit to the other : either the bikes are re-packed and the containers are moved, or the containers stay at Barbagallo and the bikes are transported by van/trailer/ ute etc. Either way can be done, and both have been discussed. The logistics involved will hinge around the number of visiting riders who wish to attend both meetings, but we figured if you've travelled all that way, why not excercise the option ?
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Posted - 15 Feb 2008 :  10:50:24 PM  Show Profile  Visit Bummers's Homepage Send Bummers a Private Message  

I chased up Linfox who suggested I contact Peter Gray of MPG Shipping (0407 018 997 - if anyone else wants to talk to him).
Peter suggested that coastal sea freight would be the cheapest way to go & would only take about 1 week (from Sydney, I think). He suggested for our use a 40' Hi-cube container (9'6" high) would be the most economical. A 20' container would be cheaper but not a lot.
Costs Sydney to Perth would be about $3500 each way. We could possible load a container in Brisbane, stop over in Sydney & again in Melb & Adelaide if required & use MPG's facilities - fork lifts etc, at each depot for "minimal" extra fees at each site. Any trucking from port to their depots would also cost additional.Their bases in Melb are at Brooklyn, Sydney at Port Botany, Brisbane at Rocklea (I think). Don't know about Adelaide.

I also enquired with him about using rail, loading the same 40' container at each capital city. Bris to Sydney would be about $800, Syd - Melb about $800, Melb to Adel. about $700 & Adel to Perth about $2000 - that's a total of approx $4300 each way, plus trucking to & from rail depots & to & from the 2 racetracks in WA.

Damien (or anyone else),- do you know the size of the the CRF250 crates you used? Did they allow a bit of room for tools & spares as well?
That way we can work out how many we can fit in a 40' container. I'm guessing that if they are 2m x 700mm wide it only looks like we'd get 18 solos (6 x 3) in each level.

John Daley - did you get any further with your idea of a "removable deck system"?
Would we get 2 layers of solos and 2 layers of outfits?

If anyone wants container dimensions - You must be logged in to see this link.

If we could get one layer of 18 solos & one of 9 outfits (what do they measure?)in a 40' container the base rate by sea freight looks like about $130 per each vehicle, each way + trucking to & from the ports. If we could get 2 layers of each (36 solos & 18 outfits) - halve that price!!

Obviously a lot more thought will have to go into the logistics of all this but at least it's a start.

Anyone got any other thoughts?


“Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting.” Steve McQueen
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Posted - 17 Feb 2008 :  6:14:40 PM  Show Profile  Visit kavo's Homepage Send kavo a Private Message  


Off the top of my head the crate dimensions are approx 2150 long, 1100 high and 550 wide. We have never had sidecars come away with us as when we did a last estimate we figured that a sidecar would be about 3 x crates. Based on that it wasnt really cost effective for a sidecar to travel like this. i.e. We just got back from the island and it would have been around 765 return for a sidecar based on these dimensions as a solo was 255. This was just what we have found in our few trips.


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3130 Posts

Posted - 17 Feb 2008 :  7:10:29 PM  Show Profile Send john a Private Message  

The removable deck is quite simple. I have the drawings, but essentailly the top is held in place by legs that sit in the indented section of the walls, and attach to the cross rails of the system with slide bolts and holes.
If you install 1/2 first you have ramps to load into the back and half the lower section. You then intstall the front cross rails and deck and then have a ramp out the fron to push things into place. I have a friend, Dave Milligan, who owns many racks to hold solos that can be forked in and out quite quickly. He may rent etc them to us. Sidecars would need aboy 8' x 5' plus gaps bewteen the solso for parts and tools.
I think it is important to share the costs so siudecars are not 3 x the solos, sincewe all need each other to fill the crate. I organised a freight package to Tassy and we all paid the same, I suggest the same here.

John Daley Sidecar #68
' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter."

Edited by - john on 17 Feb 2008 7:12:53 PM
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Western Australia

353 Posts

Posted - 17 Feb 2008 :  10:27:01 PM  Show Profile Send Alan a Private Message  

Our experience is that if you make sure all crates for solos are the same height then you dont need to worry about a dividing floor. We have used crates from bike shops who are glad to get rid of them and if you standardise on Say an R1 crate you will then have a flat floor to work on. There is enough room in the crates for tools and gear but not enough for a spare motor unless its a very small one, ie 125cc. If anyone is worried about sidecars being on top then all you need to spread the load is some plywood sheeting. Dont forget to mention the bonus of having rust preventative fluid leaking onto the lower bikes.
Like you guys John we also only charged the one fee be it for solos or sidecars.
Dont forget to sing out if you need a hand or advice.

Alan Sidecar 21 WA
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Western Australia

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Posted - 17 Feb 2008 :  10:29:51 PM  Show Profile Send Alan a Private Message  

Just one thing more. Dont forget you can always use a 40 foot container if there is a lot of interest, it will be a lot cheaper than two 20 footers.

Alan Sidecar 21 WA
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Western Australia

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Posted - 18 Feb 2008 :  7:47:20 PM  Show Profile Send GD66 a Private Message  

Good call Alan, impeccable timing as always. I was hoping you'd pop up with regards to the floor on top of the bottom layer of solos, form ply sheets or similar would be ideal, and the thicker the better because all crates, beg all you like, don't end up the same height. And I can confirm what Alan has indicated, the crate isn't really big enough for a spare motor ( so crate it separately, and fire it in the top layer ) but you can build small internal sections within the crate for tools and spares, and I find the space above the front and back wheels an ideal size for gearbags for riding gear. Be warned, getting your bike and gear into the crate is a bit of a science, so don't leave it till the night before you're due to load ! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED ! Amazingly, however, it WILL all fit....
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Posted - 19 Feb 2008 :  09:15:16 AM  Show Profile Send john a Private Message  

My mate who has racks dos not use crates but channels which hold the whels and take straps for the handle bars. Spares etc are slid around the floor between the racks. Crates seem just too damgerous and risky from the point of view of a consistant height, as previously related. Decks above give a clear run. As for liquids dropping, perhaps covers or tarps spread over the lower deck may be easier.

John Daley Sidecar #68
' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter."
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Western Australia

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Posted - 23 Feb 2008 :  2:27:21 PM  Show Profile Send GD66 a Private Message  

That may be so for that specific application, John, but by and large crates are fine, and are readily available from dealers for free. As Alan mentioned, standardised crate size is preferable, but near enough will do, you can always take up the room above the smaller crates on the bottom level with old tyres etc, to make the layer level enough for the plywood sheets. And I think you will find that Alan's remark about the preventative fluids was made tongue-in-cheek, and based upon years of weak sidecar jokes made by solo riders who haven't learnt yet....
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Posted - 23 Feb 2008 :  3:13:57 PM  Show Profile Send john a Private Message  

Great for you to see the true place for those jokes. The realisation that some riders s till need to learn some truisms is very good. !!!!

John Daley Sidecar #68
' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter."
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Posted - 26 Feb 2008 :  06:21:53 AM  Show Profile Send rol a Private Message  

Anyone in Victoria interested in having their bike and gear transported to both the Aus Historics at Barbagallo and the Historic meeting at Collie (2 hours south of Perth)the following weekend, give me a hoy.
I have teed up a truck that will transport 11 bikes and gear for $650.
You will need to get your stuff to the Yarra Valley, just out of Lilydale. The truck has tie down points, so crates are not needed.
Contact me asap to book your spot.
Make a holiday of it and do the two meetings and book a cheap flight.
Rol. 0409 973 711 03 59 649 331

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Posted - 26 Feb 2008 :  07:30:28 AM  Show Profile  Visit Bummers's Homepage Send Bummers a Private Message  

To reiterate, by using coastal sea freight
If we could get one layer of 18 solos & one of 9 outfits (what do they measure?)in a 40' container the base rate by sea freight looks like about $130 per each vehicle, each way + trucking to & from the ports.

Of course we would have to get the bikes/outfits to the container(s) & from the Perth port to the track.

I now believe the "distributors" get about 40 solos per 40' container, in 2 layers.

“Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting.” Steve McQueen
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