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 Period 6 Suzuki RGV250?

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skypig Posted - 07 Aug 2017 : 10:25:15 AM
I'm interested in racing a period 6 machine around SE QLD.

I'm struggling to get confirmation on the eligibility of the VJ22 model of RGV250.
This model was released in later 1990 as a 1991 model.

I've found a document that indicates it has been pronounced legal for "Period 6 250 production".
The low key meetings I'd like to race at seem to only have "Period 6" capacity classes rather than production.
Would finding a frame with a 1990 date make any difference?

Thanks for any guidance. (It's a bit quiet around here. Especially compared to the VMX site!)
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
acotrel Posted - 06 Nov 2017 : 4:50:49 PM
Terry O'Neill is always looking for entries.
acotrel Posted - 06 Nov 2017 : 4:47:44 PM
If it was easy to get into historic motorcycle racing, everyone would be doing it. As it is, it is somewhat exclusive. Whenever a new race class is created, the trend is first to consider what we DON'T want racing in the new class. That way we keep out the riff-raff with their hot-rods and their cash.
skypig Posted - 04 Nov 2017 : 7:49:47 PM
Originally posted by acotrel

The rules are made to assist you and bring people into the sport. However, you might not think it.

I dont doubt it. It just does not seem easy to get an answer to how I get into the sport. And buy an eligible, suitable bike.
I persevered and bought a bike with a log book.
The mechanical work begins.
I am not sure how I will feel if I line up against 1990+model RGVs

Thanks to everyone who contributed.
A shame this forum is not more active.

(Edited to remove apostrophes. Doesn?t like them, ?)
acotrel Posted - 28 Sep 2017 : 08:06:22 AM
The rules are made to assist you and bring people into the sport. However, you might not think it.
skypig Posted - 26 Sep 2017 : 7:01:24 PM

I bought a 1989 Honda NSR250, with P6 Historic log book.
We?ll see how we go.

Thanks again.
john Posted - 14 Sep 2017 : 11:16:41 AM
Contact MA direct and ask to speak with the Historic management committee members about it.
skypig Posted - 08 Aug 2017 : 7:44:42 PM
Thanks again.

Is there someone at MA I can contact?
I'd need a logbook as well. Something else new to me. MA again?
David Posted - 07 Aug 2017 : 2:10:26 PM
Hi Simon,

That is what I read in the minutes from 2013, but that could of changed.

Alan Warner used to visit here a fair bit, but last logged on here in 2016
Marcus de Caux last logged on here in 2016

Doesn't mean that they have not been past to see what is going on. I am sure that there are a few that can give a clearer understanding of the rules.
skypig Posted - 07 Aug 2017 : 1:36:41 PM
Hi David,

Thanks for the quick reply.
I know many people are too lazy to even try to help themselves. Preferring to let others do the leg work. I'm hoping I'm not one of them.
I've studied the GCRs. I race (well "ride") modern MX, VMX and Supermoto.

VMX is clear: pre '90 = 1989 models.

Historic Road racing "31 December 1990" implies that if I can source a 1991 VJ22 "M" model with a late 1990 build date it would be eligible. Is that your understanding?

Also, hours of internet research found this:

Is there someone that can give me a definitive answer so I don't buy an expensive bike I can't ride anywhere?

Thanks again for your help.

David Posted - 07 Aug 2017 : 11:17:10 AM
It has been quite, but a lot of lurkers:

According to the GCR's from MA's site at: Chapter 11 - Historic Road Race on page 96:

SECTION 11B: COMPETITION CLASSES 11.3 PERIODS For the purposes of determining eligibility, machines are categorised as follows:


Period 1 Veteran Up to 31 December 1919

Period 2 Vintage 1 January 1920 to 31 December 1945

Period 3 Classic 1 January 1946 to 31 December 1962

Period 4 Post Classic 1 January 1963 to 31 December 1972

Period 5 Forgotten Era 1 January 1973 to 31 December 1982

Period 6 New Era 1st January 1983 to 31 December 1990

I hope that that helps clear that up.

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