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 Eligibilty Area
 Eligibilty on Race Tracks
 6 years and counting

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JasonL Posted - 28 Sep 2010 : 10:01:26 AM

Celebrating 6 years to the day since this topic was created without any posts since.

So does that mean all is well with eligibility on race tracks??
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
peen0_0 Posted - 30 Sep 2011 : 5:16:37 PM
I heard recently that Calder has CAMS approval again (????). What about Sandown, or Haunted Hills/Bryant Park in Gippsland?
Cheers, Tony.
john feakes Posted - 28 Sep 2011 : 2:29:46 PM
The main issue with Calder is that the drag cars have soaked the track with their tyre lubricant (which I think is kero based) from Gloweave onwards for about 100 metres of the front straight. With the slightest bit of rain it becomes a skating rink, far too dangerous for bikes and decidedly hazardous for cars.
Bob did have plans for creating a new front straight running parallel to the existing straight but I fear that the cost of domestic bliss coupled with Rodney's concern for his father's well being curtailed the plan.

Avalon is. as far as I know, still an option, but is dependent on financial contributions to get it happening.
This is unlikely to occur unless Albert Park gets scrapped as a venue for F1.
JasonL Posted - 28 Sep 2011 : 1:07:31 PM

What are the issues with Calder? Any news on the possible track at Avalon?
john feakes Posted - 28 Sep 2011 : 09:36:11 AM
I guess it is self evident.
The tracks that are not eligible are no longer used.
I would love to see Calder in use again but I fear it is not going to happen.
JasonL Posted - 28 Sep 2011 : 09:29:30 AM
And another year! Didn't that go quickly??

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