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 SPAMMERS - Change to e-mail and PM to members

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David Posted - 15 Jul 2008 : 10:02:43 AM
Hello All,

Given the increase of SPAMMERS again, all members will need to post at least 10 legitimate posts on this site to be able to send an e-mail or a Private Message to other users of the site. There will be no exception to the rule and will not be changed.

I am tired of the complaints from members that are receiving the SPAM and feel it is the only fair action that this site can take to stop non-legitiment users from sending SPAM from this site.

So my suggestion to users that do not have the 10 posts, is to post.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
chrisdespo Posted - 06 Jan 2011 : 09:41:05 AM
What i haven't won the lottery.!!! ithought spam was what us old riders had for christmas dinner, cause of all the money spent on our bikes.
hey great work to slow these dills down
Geoffpgrant Posted - 09 Dec 2010 : 12:32:41 PM
Yes, well done David. Thanks for looking after us. Let me take this opportunity to say that all the work you do on this site is appreciated - we are just not very good at telling you.
Have a fantastic Christmas David.
Sidecar #30
john Posted - 05 Dec 2010 : 9:45:32 PM
Thanks for being vigil David
David Posted - 04 Dec 2010 : 09:48:15 AM
This again was justified by the minimum amount of posts required before sending a Private Message to others as a SPAMMER from the Ivory Coast registered this morning and attempted to send all users a Private Message to help out with the millions he has and needs to send it to an account which was blocked.

If you are in need of sending a Private Message before the minimum posts have been reached, please send me a Private Message (which I will get the knock back) and I will make a judgement call to verify that it is valid.
towneyp Posted - 30 Nov 2010 : 10:02:08 AM
Still gets me that with the wide publicity for these scams, people still fall for them???
john feakes Posted - 13 Nov 2008 : 07:48:03 AM
Personally I find it quite entertaining to see what the latest version of the locked away wealth will be. I also find it sad that some people seem to fall for these stories.
I had one claiming that I had won a U.K. lottery but to release the funds I had to send $1,700 to pay for bank fees.
Nice try but I started fishing when I was about 4 years old. They'll have to do better to catch me.
Cheers, John
Allan Posted - 13 Nov 2008 : 06:53:01 AM
Stuarts Posted - 27 Jul 2008 : 5:52:19 PM
I watched a doco on pay TV some time back and I am embarrassed to say that World wide on a ratio of populous ~ the worst or most gullible country in the world is ~ (Yep!) Australia ~

The AVERAGE $$$ lost from Australia~ $22K !!!!

Either "we' are just naturally big gamblers ~ or there are JUST too many ********s with too much money !!!

David Posted - 27 Jul 2008 : 1:02:59 PM
Anyone that does take up any type of offer from the Ivory Coast needs to have their head read anyways.. They can give me the 6.5 million for nothing but.
Stuarts Posted - 27 Jul 2008 : 10:02:32 AM
Here I am Stuarts ~ low profile..

Thanks to the site I got a nice off to deposit $6.5 million in my bank account!!

I of course snapped this offer from the Ivvory Coast !!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NOT!!!!!!!!!

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