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 Share garage or carport for BS FoS?

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Duncan_G50 Posted - 03 Feb 2011 : 3:15:28 PM
Hi All,

I believe all garages and carports for the Barry Sheene are fully booked... As a newbie, I'm not that sure how to beg/borrow/steal a corner of a garage. If anyone has a "not-full" pit garage (or carport), I'd be eternally grateful! Of course, I'd be happy to share costs.

P3 G50 650
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
john feakes Posted - 06 Feb 2011 : 08:40:47 AM
But did they know it was happening?
Bob Jane used tv to advertise Calder and he got good crowds.
The V8 boys are doing the same whereas our Superbike series is piggy backing
on their popularity.
We can do better.
We must do better.
I have seen our sport decline from riders getting starting money to the current situation where the riders pay to put on the show.
It makes me sad.
GD66 Posted - 05 Feb 2011 : 3:16:25 PM
It seemed even in the AHRMA days that Sydneysiders won't leave home to go and support anything : if it's not on tv, it's not on...
john feakes Posted - 05 Feb 2011 : 11:58:50 AM
Agree completely GD.
It is just such a shame that our sport always seems to be conducted in the dark.
I believe that PCRA are doing a great job and I wish them well.
I just wish they would spend some money on promotion in places where those not actually involved in the sport can be made aware of something worth going to watch.
Cheers, John
GD66 Posted - 04 Feb 2011 : 8:22:37 PM
Seems like different people involved each year. It has evolved from the AHRMA meetings that Bob Blythe used to promote out of his own pocket, only for George Beale and his team of InCA cronies to come out each year for free and bleed the poor bugger dry.
In the end, and after some balltearer meetings at Eastern Creek, the well ran dry and Bob bailed out, handing the meeting back to the HRR of NSW, who were already in decline.
There's been some criticism of the PCRA, who took the meeting over, hurrying in the new, later classes, but I think it'll only be a couple of years and they'll be praised as visionaries, and things will settle down.
Still and all, their publicity has been sporadic, so we can only hope things improve and the meeting continues to grow. They have some good ideas, so need supporting.
revhd Posted - 04 Feb 2011 : 10:40:38 AM
Yes it seems to be a secret society up there no advertising or promotion interstate ,then complain no interstate entries.
Think i will wait for the vic titles
john feakes Posted - 04 Feb 2011 : 09:09:16 AM
Is this more secret society business?
I thought PCRA was the promoting club, didn't even know that existed.
Were/are the supp.regs. on the PCRA site?
Duncan_G50 Posted - 04 Feb 2011 : 08:56:36 AM
The Supp Regs were posted on about three weeks ago.
revhd Posted - 03 Feb 2011 : 7:44:14 PM
strange all garages gone ,i didn't think sup. regs where even out yet how can they book garages if entries are not out .

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