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 Constitution of MA?

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conker Posted - 14 Apr 2011 : 08:48:28 AM
I'm having trouble finding a copy of MA's constitution. I'd also like to find their corporate 'Mission and Vision Statement' for the future of motorcycle racing in Australia.Can somebody please post a link to them?
27   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JasonL Posted - 27 Apr 2011 : 08:38:24 AM

High speed does not automatically mean injury and damage during a fall, especially when run-off exists. Unlike walls and tyre walls.

I do not and would not expect Benalla Auto club to subsidise my racing. But I would expect them to be pro bike racing and customer focussed.

If nobody used the circuit and so prices would fall could also be construed as meaning the cost base is low enough to absorb such an eventuality, the corollary being that when fully utilised, such sustained and substantial revenue would then allow a reasonable rate to be set across all customers.

I'd be grateful if you can answer my previous question - what are the future plans for Winton viz a viz circuit upgrades etc?
conker Posted - 26 Apr 2011 : 8:43:34 PM
'I repeat, how you can claim Winton is safer than PI is truly, epically, staggering.'
The speeds are much higher, ask Bob Minogue what happened when he lost the front of the Suzuki going over Lukey Heights . It's a beautiful fast circuit, but if you happen to have a getoff it's a really biggie.

conker Posted - 26 Apr 2011 : 8:37:22 PM
Jason, I've already said Winton is always fully booked at the current hire rates. If you want get an event onto that circuit, you must book in September of the previous year. The only other way is to wait for a cancellation, and you won't usually get sufficient notice to prepare your publicity.
That's how the market determines what the charges will be. If nobody used the circuit, the charges would fall. It doesn't look like that will happen any time soon. I've said to you previously that you cannot expect Benalla Auto Club to subsidise your racing (unless you are a member?). Now you can ask yourself why we don't race at Bathurst every Easter?
JasonL Posted - 26 Apr 2011 : 2:17:08 PM
Alan, how you can claim Winton is safer than PI beggars belief. A staggering comment.

Competitive rates....I've heard figures of much more than 16k and we need to be sure we are comparing apples with apples here, same number of days versus same number of days etc. Presumably Winton also does not suffer the operating restrictions that PI does.

You maintain clubs are at fault for passing the bulk of costs to riders and there is some truth in the correlation between entry costs and restraining competitor numbers, yet circuit hire levels are never factored in to your reckonings. How in this market does one arrive at competitive rates?? I am eager to know how much revenue Winton generates versus operating costs. I'm even keener to know what future plans there are, resurfacing for a start.

A strange assumption you think I don't have the money to race when I never alluded or inferred that whatsoever...when was the last time you raced? I think you'll find in the intervening decades costs have gone up beyond your wildest imaginings. Just one set of the tyres I use are 650 bucks. And so on.

I would buy a truckload of crap if the resell value helped fund my racing with some left over to help JD with his landscaping at Broadford!

I was competing (not spectating Alan) at the Winton round of the Vic Titles, you should have come and said hello! I don't mind the Winton layout, but it could be so much more as circuits go. How is the bike coming along by the way??

I repeat, how you can claim Winton is safer than PI is truly, epically, staggering.

David Posted - 26 Apr 2011 : 12:27:52 PM
Well I did tell you not to signup with other accounts as users like to know who is writing the stuff.
Originally posted by conker

I just noticed the way my alias has been changed on this forum - pretty funny.

If you find it funny, at least this time I have not locked out this account currently... Step over the line and the account is locked..
GD66 Posted - 26 Apr 2011 : 12:00:27 PM
[i]Originally posted by conker[/i A big crash at Phillip Island is a killer, on Winton you will usually survive.

Not really much to hit at The Island, apart from the rocks in the Turn 1 and Hayshed gravel pits. For the speed of the joint, I reckon it's pretty safe overall.

If we charged the same rate as Broadford the circuit wouldn't survive, and at least it's facilities would be as inferior.

No complaints about the facilities at Broady : power, plenty of shed cover, and a fully sealed pit road. That's enough for us.

If you are having trouble finding the money to race, get a better job!

Dead right, son.
john feakes Posted - 26 Apr 2011 : 11:23:05 AM
$16,000 is only 640 spectators at $25 per head.
If we can attract 2,500 spectators to a meeting we will get $62,500.
We have to concentrate our efforts towards getting spectator support.
Bummers Posted - 26 Apr 2011 : 11:18:42 AM
I always wanted to be a benevolent dictator of motor cycle sport - I'm running out of time...
...and resources.

Any other applicants?
conker Posted - 26 Apr 2011 : 11:17:19 AM
I just noticed the way my alias has been changed on this forum - pretty funny.
conker Posted - 26 Apr 2011 : 11:00:51 AM
Jason, like most things, market forces decide the hire fees for Winton. $16000 is a lot less than $25000, and the circuit is safer. A big crash at Phillip Island is a killer, on Winton you will usually survive. Winton is in use 364 days per year. To get a booking to run a meeting, you must apply in September. There is even a group of doctors who come along with about 8 ferraris, porsches, and Lambos. They bring their lovely wives, and do the blast around at 200KPH. Probably costs them a cool grand each! My heart surgeon from the Alfred is one of them.You need to understand that Benalla Auto Club is the only car club in eastern Australia with it's own circuit(s) and we will keep it that way by charging competitive rates. If we charged the same rate as Broadford the circuit wouldn't survive, and at least it's facilities would be as inferior. The answer is easy - If you are having trouble finding the money to race, get a better job! Would you buy a truckload of sh*t because it was cheap?
john feakes Posted - 26 Apr 2011 : 10:41:07 AM
G.D. I certainly wasn't referring to you with my comment about cynicism and apathy. I am well aware that you are one of the active ones in our sport.
The problem is that most don't want to get involved in anything that requires them to actually do something.
Since this is not likely to change we need a leader with vision and the will to drive our sport onwards and upwards.
Where do we find such a person?
JasonL Posted - 26 Apr 2011 : 09:53:22 AM

There were more than 3 people there. perhaps not many more, but more than that. Can you explain why Winton costs almost as much as Phillip Island to hire yet is inferior in all respects?
conker Posted - 26 Apr 2011 : 06:28:06 AM
Bernie 'promotors run their own Championship series for their own profit; perhaps not for the ultimate benefit of the sport?
While we try to improve and grow our sport without a commercial perspective, we'll never get anywhere. Have a look how AVESCO or the AFL operate. Can you really see a genuine profit motive coming along in MA? MA don't even subsidise the TV coverage which is essential to get the spectator following. It costs $30000 to produce footage for a bike meeting, and the TV channels will not pay for content, so what are the alternatives? Our 'not-for-profit' clubs stll seem to believe that 'profit' comes from rider entry fees, and rely on those to continue promoting meetings. I was recently at a round of the Vic Titles at Winton. There were literally three people in the spectator area - we cannot continue on that basis.
conker Posted - 26 Apr 2011 : 06:09:53 AM
Glen, Your comment about 'two counter productive opposing groups'. It depends on how you look at it - you can take a negative, or a constructive positive approach. The free market economy is based upon competition. If MA doesn't improve, Terry O'Neill/AASA/Benalla Auto Club will roll them.
GD66 Posted - 25 Apr 2011 : 8:58:00 PM
I mean the NZ season is compressed into about two months, and includes a Tri-series at Hampton, Wanganui and Manfield over three weekends around Christmas, yet has little dealer money, no world championship roadrace event to market the sport, infighting between two factions of sidecars, an undercurrent of dissent about start money disguised as concern for safety that keeps many name riders away from the Paeroa roadrace, a seemingly-prohibitive cost to riders required to enter three title meetings in the South Island, little press support and a public brainwashed to refuse to support anything that isn't rugby union.
Yet Australia, with two world title events, some degree of loyal dealer support, a competitor base seemingly large enough to support all forms of competition, and a long list of international star riders, has fallen back into the also-rans with two opposed but concurrent series, neither of which can claim any significant spectator drawing power, with the result the rider factory to Europe that was so productive is grinding to a halt. Surely this should be a primary goal for MA to attain, yet over this side of town it seems they're happy to rake in the bucks from massive competitor involvement in motocross, and do little to push Aussie roadracing ahead to where it should be : in the minds and eyes of an expectant public.
Merely bickering with Terry O'Neill in a game of have, have-not, did, did-not isn't getting anybody anywhere, and whatever you think of Terry, you've gotta say he's persistent. I'm all for private promotion, but rather than use it to get our sport ahead, MA have for years preferred to erect hurdles to newcomers. All I'm saying is that with the recent history along those lines, I was surprised David White was re-appointed : in view of his FIM role however, it all seems a little clearer, but no more optimistic...
I'll still keep working away within the framework to do my bit, but at state level, MA is like all clubs, a small squad doing their thing, and a large majority doing SFA.
Bummers Posted - 25 Apr 2011 : 8:26:08 PM
GD what do you mean "the roadracing scene in NZ is years behind what should be running in Australia"? Do you mean the road racing scene in NZ is ahead of what it is currenty in Australia? - I would agree with you there!
It seems NZ doesn't suffer from the same legal requirements of "fair trade practice" that in Australia allows any number of promotors run their own Championship series for their own profit; perhaps not for the ultimate benefit of the sport? But...
what can be done about it? It seems you are keen to back the sport by your involvement in MA system but maybe the other promotors are providing better, more rewarding for the competitor/sponsor, series?
GD66 Posted - 25 Apr 2011 : 5:40:19 PM
As you will have noticed over on forum John, nobody gives a hoot. Yet in NZ, the Kiwibiker website has mentioned an upcoming vote between Jim Tuckerman and Chris Lawrance for ELECTION to MNZ president, and that has blown wide open and is now up to 1070 replies on 72 pages and counting ! So no apathy there, yet in my opinion the roadracing scene in NZ is years behind what should be running in Australia if it was at all co-ordinated, and not divided into two counter-productive opposing forces. But I repeat, no-one cares.
For my part, I won't lie down gracefully and watch my sport go down, so as well as being a competitor at state and national level in my chosen branch of the sport, I also belong to two clubs, race vmx, am an MA level 2 clerk of course for motocross and roadracing, and our club vice-president : so not too much apathy there, either.
john feakes Posted - 25 Apr 2011 : 3:20:29 PM
Ah G.D.
In the blue corner Cynicism, in the red corner Apathy.
Marquis of Blueberry rules will apply.
GD66 Posted - 25 Apr 2011 : 2:17:23 PM
True. Maybe even The Universe.

But he was ELECTED FIM VP.... but not elected in Australia, merely appointed. How is that democratic ? Oh, what the hell, no-one cares anyway...
Bummers Posted - 25 Apr 2011 : 1:54:16 PM
He probably had to be an "active member" to get this gig:

Now "The World" is his oyster
David Posted - 25 Apr 2011 : 06:17:16 AM
Pity that MA don't promote Classic/Post Classic or Historic motorcycle racing like they do dirt bikes.
Originally posted by conker

(b) regulate, encourage, administer, promote, advance and manage motorcycling in Australia through competition and commercial means;

Why David White got another 5 years is beyond me, after the meetings we had with him and the promises, all full of crap. Just said what we wanted to hear and then did nothing to help with the sport af Classic/Post Classic or Historic motorcycle racing in Australia.
conker Posted - 23 Apr 2011 : 09:28:55 AM
'Better the devil you know'? David White knows he has competition from AASA, and he must lift his game. Anyone else might not be up to it?
john feakes Posted - 22 Apr 2011 : 10:11:43 AM
It would be nice to know who actually awarded this extension and what the financial obligations of the contract are.
GD66 Posted - 22 Apr 2011 : 09:02:14 AM
Not related, but I heard David White was awarded a 5-year contract extention.
Thought that may raise an eyebrow or two...
conker Posted - 22 Apr 2011 : 06:41:18 AM
Thanks Glen, I found what I was looking for:

(b) regulate, encourage, administer, promote, advance and manage motorcycling in Australia
through competition and commercial means;
(c) ensure that all motorcycling in Australia is carried on in a manner, which secures and enhances
the safety of participants, officials, referees, spectators and the public and which allows the sport
to be competitive and fair;
GD66 Posted - 17 Apr 2011 : 10:24:44 AM
It's also on their website, , just hit the yellow strip on their frontpage and go into About MA.
john Posted - 17 Apr 2011 : 08:42:24 AM
Alan, ring MA DIRCET

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