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 New Circuit , Wagga Wagga, Your Help Req..

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bigdazoz Posted - 02 May 2012 : 5:09:27 PM
Just a quick update and looking for some help.

As some of you may have heard, there is a current proposal to build a New Race Track / Driver Training Centre in Wagga Wagga, NSW.

A map of the circuit:

A Nice 2.7 Kilometre Circuit running Clockwise with 4 left turns and 4 rights... if you would like a full size 1 meg, drawing of the track, PM me with your email and i'll send it to you..

Some of you may or maynot be also be aware that this Circuit is being built by: current, Period 5 Unlimited and Period 3 500, Historic Motorcycle Racer, Mick Neason and his business partner Phil Andrea.

The land is purchased, and providing it all gets through council OK in the next few months, Mick is planning on having the circuit open and running in about 2 years.

At this point the planning permits are with the Wagga Wagga City Council and they are asking for comments etc,as the planning permits are out on display for public comments... this is where you folks all come in.

Of course as always when it comes to these things there will always be a few objectors in the area, and it’s the plan of the local car club to submit a national petition to the council later this month..

Below you find a link to the petition that will be submitted to the Wagga Wagga council, please go to the website if you desire and complete the petition, please note the closing date is 10 May 2012, so you’ll need to get onto this at your earliest convenience, off course you can be semi anonymous if you like , but the more information you provide the better it looks to council..

You’ll find the sign up page here:

The full detail of the petition can be found here:

Those that have already signed the petition here:

If you think this is a worthy cause, I implore you to get behind this petition, Send it to your friends and get them involved

Hope this finds you all well.

Regards To All.

Big Daz
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Patrick Posted - 27 May 2012 : 9:21:57 PM
We made a three page submission to the City of Wagga Wagga in support of the Development Application for the new facility.
Very impressed with the reply from the Manager of Development Services for the city.
Bodes well.
conker Posted - 08 May 2012 : 07:40:47 AM
Mick Neason probably knows what he is doing with the local council. If you can get them strongly on side, that's really good. In country towns you are dealking with the feudal system. It helps if you know the power figures, and which side of politics has the power in the local. If the main player is a petrol head, that's really good. But it only takes one council officer to start running every planning permit you submit, past your opponents to make things really difficult. Selling the circuit as a 'driver training facility' is a good PR move. And you will usually find the local business people will support the new track, it will bring money to the town, and that's a big selling point.
I hope you have a win with this one.
Geoffpgrant Posted - 07 May 2012 : 4:46:31 PM
I am on...
conker Posted - 06 May 2012 : 07:16:29 AM

I suggest it is important when doing this stuff, to find somebody else's money to spend.
john feakes Posted - 04 May 2012 : 2:50:57 PM
I'm hoping for a crowd of about 20,000 at the council offices.
matcho mick Posted - 03 May 2012 : 9:56:25 PM
i'm thinking everybody!!,
john feakes Posted - 03 May 2012 : 08:25:42 AM
I'm on.
Who will be next?
David Posted - 02 May 2012 : 6:46:15 PM
Hello Darren,

I fixed the links for you to hopefully get a few people behind it.

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