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 Trying to identify an Ossa...

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missbutas Posted - 14 May 2012 : 12:08:44 PM
Trying to identify an Ossa...

I have an Ossa motorcycle left to me in my father's estate, unfortunately I do not have a title for this bike and I cannot locate the VIN number on the bike. I am looking for help in identifying this bike so I am able to sell it. I have included 2 links below of pictures. If someone can help please let me know. If more pictures are needed I can provide that as well.

Thank you!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
matcho mick Posted - 20 May 2012 : 12:12:22 AM
well spotted Sir Al,grey nurse indeed,mx version too,21" front wheel,(TT Stiletto had 19")good luck with the sale Melissa,fair price,cheers mick
missbutas Posted - 17 May 2012 : 03:27:10 AM
I want to THANK YOU all very much for your quick and knowledgable responses! With all of the information provided I was able to locate the VIN number and properly identify the bike as a 1971 Ossa Stiletto 250cc 5 speed. After doing research online, I have decided to ask $1,200 OBO for the bike. I am located in Holland, Michigan. If you or anyone you know is interested please give me a call at 602-561-5976.

Again, thank you very much for all of the help!
missbutas Posted - 15 May 2012 : 2:26:50 PM
Thank you very much for the information. I do know it has been repainted from the original.
team400 Posted - 15 May 2012 : 11:33:02 AM
Hi Melissa
Here in Australia they were called grey nurses,obviously because of the colours.It looks Like a stilleto they were 250cc and were a good weapon whilst they ran(motoplat ignitions).I used to race one back in the seventy's.Mick Jones is quite the collector & I'm sure he will be along soon.
Regards Sir Al (Alan Hay)

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