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 HMRAV new ideas

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
john Posted - 12 Jun 2012 : 1:17:59 PM
Without pre empting anything, discussion is starting about what sub classes for want of a better word we could run at the HMRAV events. We did run 750 cc Pushrod class
In SA they have an LC series for Yamahas, I have wondered about Honda 350's but they could not agree on any consistent rules amongst themselves.
650 Yammy twins, waterbottles who knows what is out there to play with. All the HMRAV needs is about 4-5 of each type to play and things may grow from there. Just as the HMRAV chose to run Classic 650 cc and Post Classic 836 sidecar events within the existing structures.

So if you have any ideas and want to share them please comment here, otherwise either write to the HMRAV, 29 Portman St Oakleigh or email via the web site to the committee. The more ideas obtained may make the task easier.

At thsi stage everything is on the tgable, so please think about it, even be selfish if you think you could get another 5 bikes or so to race you and let us know.
Thsi plan worked with Classic 350 / 500 solos who worked to boost numbers so it may work again.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
john feakes Posted - 22 Jun 2012 : 08:10:37 AM
John, it is highly likely that any change will upset someone.
Change for the greater good has to be preferable to change nothing lest we upset someone.
Are we actually in a position to change anything?
I rather think not.
john Posted - 21 Jun 2012 : 7:31:14 PM
If we included P6 250's into P5 Historic racing, are we opening a can of worms with" How come they go Historic racing and we, [ I ] dont?.

Will it create trouble?
JasonL Posted - 18 Jun 2012 : 5:12:54 PM


You could run a pre 86 250 production class - there are a few guys out there getting P6 RZ250's ready but these have more in common performance-wise with the late P5 RD250LC's etc than they do with the late P6 RGV's etc
john feakes Posted - 16 Jun 2012 : 09:50:38 AM
I would also like to suggest that a parade class could be encouraged.
There would be many interesting old bikes hiding away that will not come out to race. Some are too valuable to risk, some are owned by people who have reached an age where they no longer have any interest in racing.
Perhaps two 5 lap parades on Sunday could be accommodated.
john feakes Posted - 13 Jun 2012 : 10:30:50 AM
Well, we have already started to talk about unit construction Triumphs being included in P3 unlimited.
If we could get hold of a list of contacts for all log booked bikes we would have a great starting point.
I fear that our privacy laws would preclude such information being forthcoming.
We really need to know what is out there.
john Posted - 12 Jun 2012 : 7:28:55 PM
Sub Classes Jason. They will fit within the existing race structure.
I think we have P6 well covered with racing as it stands today, this proposal is aimed at filling in existing grid spaces.
JasonL Posted - 12 Jun 2012 : 7:18:12 PM

You know what I'm going to say - P6

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