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 Definition of a formula two machine.

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acotrel Posted - 28 Jul 2012 : 10:46:08 AM
How about we run a few feature races for two stroke engined bikes of all periods up to 1992, based on capacity classes ? And call them 'Formula Two' ? You might find this inspiring :
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
acotrel Posted - 30 Jul 2012 : 06:45:20 AM
acotrel Posted - 30 Jul 2012 : 06:42:44 AM
'GP bikes' would include the small four cylinder four stroke machines, but the name is not catchy or memorable.
I know 'Formula Two' was used by those car idiots, but it actually means something if it is applied to two stroke road racing bikes, and it should not preclude the four stroke multis.
'Formula Two' could be used to describe the five capacity classes of two stroke and small four cylinder multis - 125, 250, 350, 500, 750.
If it ever happens, I would be very sorry that I sold the TZ350G. I would have loved to have ridden it in a two stroke race, but period 5 with the superbikes - it was never going to happen. I spoke to Robbie Phillis a while back, before he moved to Europe. He mentioned the two strokes in Period 5 Unlimited - he would never complain, but he wasn't happy.
john feakes Posted - 29 Jul 2012 : 08:48:59 AM
GP bikes.
acotrel Posted - 29 Jul 2012 : 04:57:35 AM
How else would you describe a set of capacity based race classes exclusively for two strokes, if you wanted to sell the concept to spectators in a TV commercial ?
john feakes Posted - 28 Jul 2012 : 11:06:45 AM
Welcome back.
I like the idea of feature races.
I don't particularly like Formula 2.
In fact I don't like Formula anything unless it has 4 wheels.
Racing by capacity classes has always been good enough and any mention of a formula suggests that it is an attempt to make a silk purse from a sow's ear.

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