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 Buckets - (new idea)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
acotrel Posted - 29 Jul 2012 : 12:09:39 PM
I was talking to someone the other day about running buckets at historic road race meetings. The New South Wales guys seem to have their rules sorted:
Max capacity for two strokes = 100cc
Max capacity for four strokes = 180cc
And the class seems very popular:

If they were to be run at Victroran historic meetings with following provisions, we'd get both buckets and historic 250s in the same races:
Max Capacity for two strokes = 100cc
Max capacity for four strokes = 250cc

In the 1950s Italian manufacturers such as Moto Morini and Parilla ran 175cc and 200cc racers successfully in the then 250 class.
If buckets were run under these provisions, the kids who have been racing in Juniors turning 18, would have somewhere to race their Metrakit 80s, and RS80s, also the Honda CBR150rr. It could be a good way to get newbies into historic racing.
Also Daryl Bailey might get a decent ride with his Spondon Ducati 250. It would be hard on anyone with a CB125, they'd have to fit an air pump off an 80s Japanese car, and paint it black.
No cutoff date needed, and the class could be run at the discretion of the meeting promoter.
The class could replace one of the usual races catering for 250cc historic bikes at most meetings.
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acotrel Posted - 30 Jul 2012 : 08:43:57 AM

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