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 HMNRAV Thunder bikes 2

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
john Posted - 15 Aug 2012 : 10:36:45 AM
The club is going ahead with its proposed Thunder bikes series.
Any, 650cc 750cc and open capacity, twin or triple four stroke engine thats log booked can enter.
Please dont clog thsi topic up with arguments about what the HMRAV is doing.
If you have a bike please enter or let us know about it. The race will be conducted with another class until numbers build enough to have a separate class.
Thunder Bikes can straddle P3 and P4 periods.
So please get out in the shed and get something going.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
john Posted - 18 Aug 2012 : 2:35:43 PM
Fellas, one has to understand the forces involved in getting new classes.
Thsi Historic Thunderbike Class has support because its recognised that bikes have slipped though the net and dont come out to play.
Lets not push our luck.
acotrel Posted - 18 Aug 2012 : 08:09:19 AM
John, When you guys at HMRAV get the thunderbike class going, would you possibly try to get this guy onto the same grid as the Norton and Triumph twins? He usually runs in Period 5, - it must be costing him a bomb - and he usually goes nowhere ! Sorry I cut his head off when I took the photo, but you blokes must recognise the bike:
acotrel Posted - 18 Aug 2012 : 06:52:32 AM
Is it likely that the Thunderbike class might be run at the Austin 7 Club meeting at Winton Next year? I will save up for it, and have a ride. I believe this stuff will be very nice. I can feel the adrenalin surge already.
acotrel Posted - 18 Aug 2012 : 06:48:11 AM
About the singles. Period 3 500s are the premier class in historic racing, and should be preserved. A Thunderbike class for them would mean that the guy with the Period 4 Mk2 Seeley G50 from Byron Bay as well as the blokes with the Yamaha SR500s who usually run in Period 5 would get to run with the Period 3 bikes. I suggest the usual Period 3 guys like Keith Campbell and Ken Lucas should be asked how they feel about that.
There are a few bikes that don't usually get involved, and usually don't do much good. I've seen Doug Gorrie with a B40 BSA at a few meetings a while back - runs in Period 4. And a Ducati 450 wouldn't be a bad thing in a 500cc thunderbike class - there was one of those racing a few years ago - disappeared.
acotrel Posted - 18 Aug 2012 : 06:36:53 AM
Credit where it is due - Good work, John. Even if the class extends to period 6, there won't be much which could dominate it amongst the later bikes. It would take a good 900cc or 861 Ducati to beat a 60s Commando with a good rider on it.
john Posted - 16 Aug 2012 : 11:45:16 AM
I stand corrected about the singles, but really they are not "THUNDER" bikes. But I will check what the committee has in mind. Dont forget most singles from that time were 500, with the odd 700 and they are catered for now.
JasonL Posted - 16 Aug 2012 : 10:13:37 AM

They're not thunderous enough.
john feakes Posted - 16 Aug 2012 : 07:38:22 AM
Why no singles?

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