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JasonL Posted - 20 Sep 2012 : 10:43:36 AM


You're connected around town up there, do you know when the next MotoRide track day will be on at Winton? Their calendar only shows the ones already gone. I called them but they didn't seem to know and directed me to the website.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JasonL Posted - 23 Sep 2012 : 07:53:38 AM

Alan, I like what TON (Terry O'Neill as he is so affectionately known as in NSW.....) has done with the race your mates concept.
Regularity trials - I like the idea but I'm not sure how well it would sit with the young and modern crowd - then again if they tried it they might find the challenge an engaging one and it does teach you something. There would need to be some sort of prize or incentive for the winners. I've done a few trackdays over the years, the things I've liked / not liked have been:

1/ Overly long riders briefing before the day kicks off, people talking all the way through it anyway.
2/ Speed differences - track days still don't actively change people around enough into the right groups
3/ Track photographers who take hundreds and hundreds of pics but might get 2 of you, neither of which are any good, but took 55 of some other bloke.
4/Scrutineering - I think the scrutineers should walk round not drag everyone down to one place.
5/ Sign on/in - fast process / no queues
6/ Not sure how you overcome this one - I don't know how many times I've seen guys go out hard in the first session and bin it. Holds everything else up
7/ Have some rider instruction on-hand especially for the novices.

acotrel Posted - 22 Sep 2012 : 4:12:15 PM
Jason, I will be speaking to Adam some time in the next couple of weeks about his ride days. Last year we discussed them and he ended up with smoke coming out of his ears, but he agreed to do timing for them. I was a bit surprised when he took them on as a business proposition. I believe he had a few riders turn up for his first day, and they were pretty rapt that they had timings available, and were permitted to do the on-board camera thing. I was at his second, but because of silly bike problems didn't get to ride, there were again a few riders there. I've been told he will be doing the ride days again next year, and I'm going to get in his ear and see what we can do to make them more interesting, and find out if our club can help him run them.
How do you feel about 'regularity trials' ? I think we have software which can analyse a few laps and give a result based on standard deviation for each bike. I think it would be a difficult competition if done with bikes, but if you kept somewhere near race speeds, you'd probably get a good result.
JasonL Posted - 22 Sep 2012 : 07:56:21 AM

Thanks Al
acotrel Posted - 21 Sep 2012 : 11:08:21 PM
Jason, Adam Ronke is running the ride days. I understand the next one will be after christmas. If you ring on 5766 4235, and ask to speak to him specifically, you will probably get more sense.

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