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 Tasman series revival 2102

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
john Posted - 26 Nov 2012 : 4:55:50 PM
I spoted this comment on the tasman revival website.
Did anybody know bikes were invited?
Revivers of the Lost Art: Tasman Revival in the Wentworth Courier

Daniel Bando

With the 2012 Tasman Revival just a month away, mainstream media is starting to spread the word about historic motorsport and get people excited for the event.

Daniel Bando was recently featured in an article in the Wentworth Courier, which you can check out in their online publication here, or in the picture below (click the image to embiggen)!

Via the Wentworth Courier

Oct 26, 2012 | Categories: News, Tasman Revival | Tags: 2012, Sydney Motorsport Park | Leave A Comment »
Old Bike Australasia Historic Motorcycle Race Removed From Programme

Entries for the Old Bike Australasia historic motorcycle race at the 2012 Tasman Revival Historic Motor Race Meeting to be held at Sydney Motorsport Park (formerly known as Eastern Creek) on the 23rd-25th November are of such a low level that I have no alternative than to cancel its inclusion in the programme.

Extreme disappointment is expressed by the hard working organising committee after the effort put in to include a motorcycle component in an event that is now firmly established on the world calendar for historic motorsport. Competitors in cars from all over Australia, as well as from the UK, Europe, East and West coasts of the USA, Japan and New Zealand have already entered and many 40’ shipping containers full of important and significant historic vehicles are already on their way to Sydney.

Historic motorcycle racing played a significant role as part of the early meetings promoted by the HSRCA at Amaroo Park in the 1980’s and we were very keen to try to rekindle the racing, fun and camaraderie seen at those meetings. You and your machines would have been a great addition to our meeting and I am certain that you would have found it very enjoyable.

For those few motorcycle racers that did enter the meeting, I must apologise for the disappointment this notice must bring, but given the overall lack of support for the concept it is simply not viable to include the races in the program.

Never fear, however, as we will not give up on this concept and will continue to work towards inspiring and including a full field of motorcycles and corresponding races at future events.

Yours Sincerely

Peter Addison – Event Manager

2012 Tasman Revival Historic Race Meeting

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