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 Aircooled 500cc race class

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
acotrel Posted - 29 Dec 2012 : 08:20:56 AM
These are the eligibility rules which apply to the 500cc aircooled class run by the UK CRMC. Perhaps we might do something similar but include Periods 3 and 4, and exclude two strokes ? ?

The purpose of these regulations is to allow machines with production / road bike engines up to 500cc in road
or race based frames to race in the Post Classic Air Cooled Class
1/1/73 to 31/12/1981
Up to 500cc – air cooled engines ONLY
Clubman 1 Post Classic rules apply to these machines with exceptions / additions listed below
1. Machines: There should be some racing history to the type of frame and engine combination being
proposed. Both original and faithful replicas of such machines are allowed.
2. General Requirements:
2.1 Frames: Mono-shock frames are permitted providing evidence is provided that they were raced in
period (known examples are frames by Foale, Kerby, Maxton and Spondon; this is not an
exhaustive list and other frames will require proof of period use). Frames must be of steel
2.2 Engines: Two stroke or four stroke up to 500cc. Machines with engines originally listed at 500cc
are allowed to overbore to +1.5mm maximum. Single, twin, triple or four cylinder production /
road bike air cooled engines only. No dry clutches except where proof can be provided that such a
machine was raced with a dry clutch in period
2.3 Carburettors: No flat slide carburettors
2.4 Brakes: Only single or twin-piston brakes. Remote master cylinders not allowed.
2.5 Wheels: As per Clubman Post Classic 1 so with minimum wheel diameter = 18"
2.6 Tyres: The maximum width for front tyres is 110mm and for rear tyres is 130mm
2.7 Forks: Maximum diameter 38mm
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bummers Posted - 29 Dec 2012 : 11:43:54 AM
Why exclude 2 strokes?
And if air-cooled, allow methanol fuel.
There's a heap of air cooled bikes around that are not being raced in P5 even though, in the era (P5) up to '78, they were competitive on methanol.
acotrel Posted - 29 Dec 2012 : 11:25:23 AM
Cheaper than a manx engine ? :

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