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 Best ever single cylinder racer ?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
acotrel Posted - 10 Feb 2013 : 06:49:52 AM
It takes a bloody good rider and bike combination to beat a good rider on a 500cc manx or G50 at it's own game. A while ago, we in Australia had a supermono class which had no rules except the bikes had to be single cylinder four strokes. It was extremely popular and if it had been originally set up with a 500cc capacity limit, it would still be around today. The racing in that class was great. However what happened was that eventually to win you had to have the 700cc four valve per cylinder dirt bike motor, and they all blew up very quickly. It all became too expensive, and a lot of the bikes from that class are still sitting around rotting in sheds to this day.
This stuff is not rocket science , and you really have to wonder about the guys who control the sport from within the controlling body. In effect we are looking at the end of road racing in Australia because they are so inept.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sumon Posted - 15 Jun 2013 : 1:56:58 PM
Best looking twin Matchless G45

Sale diablo 3 gold
john feakes Posted - 11 Feb 2013 : 12:12:51 PM
Best looking single {for me) 7R.
I regret not buying one when they were affordable.
Allan Posted - 10 Feb 2013 : 4:21:02 PM
Best looking motor's

has to be velo KTT Mk8
best looking twin Matchless G45

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