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 Allan Greening's old bikes

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
David Posted - 01 Apr 2013 : 05:30:54 AM
Hello All,

Now that things are starting to settle down after the death of Allan, I would like to know what has happened to his Suzuki T500 that he said "he would never sell" as it is no where to be found and we would like to know what has happened to it.

If anyone knows where it is, can you please have the person/persons who has this bike or any other bike Allan owns, contact me via the Contact Us page, it would be appreciated.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
David Posted - 21 Apr 2013 : 7:38:11 PM
Here is an image of the bike that I am looking for and need to find it urgently:

If anyone knows where it is, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
David Posted - 04 Apr 2013 : 6:01:22 PM
I had spoken to Renee at Allan's funeral service and he was sure that Allan still owned it, just he lent it to someone and was offered money for it, but refused it as it was a low ball price. I will need to start to work it out soon who has it, as I need to get it back..
acotrel Posted - 04 Apr 2013 : 5:48:33 PM
Have you asked Renea in Genrowan and Steve and John in Maryborough? Rod Scott might know too. I can't remember him selling it, but the plug had fallen out of the crankcase on one cylinder, and it seized. I think he must have sold it after he cut the nerve in his finger and couldn't ride . It would have been at about the time that he sold the Triumph to Renea.

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