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 Allan Greening's old bike parts

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David Posted - 21 Apr 2013 : 7:53:05 PM
Hello All,

After a massive clean out of Allan's shed this week-end, we have a huge pile of bike parts from frames to brake cables and lots in between for a number of various old bikes.

These parts are general use and also race bike parts. I am looking to have them picked up by a club who will put them to great use (which can have them for free) or the lot can go to an individual/company for $500.00 for the lot. There are only a couple of conditions, and they are the following:

  • Everything to be picked up at once, none of this "I do not need that" will be accepted, it is a job lot
  • To be able to claim the Free to Clubs, you will need to prove to me that it is to help out the club
  • This needs to be done and picked up before the 20th May 2013, no exceptions or it will go to scrap metal
  • Pickup if from Dunolly in Central Victoria, with the new owner will need to arrange (and it will not fit in ute or a 2 tonne truck)

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acotrel Posted - 28 May 2013 : 07:04:13 AM
David, If you give Renea Dursma a ring on 5766 2020 he might pick up the bits and sell them off at swap meets. At least they might be of some benefit to some bike enthusiasts.
David Posted - 25 May 2013 : 06:19:42 AM
And there was a lot more, but the barrels had fins missing, pits in the bores, fins missing on the heads, bottom ends in pieces and just bits and pieces everywhere. I did separate the good from the bad.

There was a wrecker in Bendigo that I contacted, but he said he did not have the time to collect them by the time the house was to be handed over to the new people.

I didn't want to have to do it, but I have nowhere to store them for years on end, and I was trying to help out the clubs to get more people involved and no one took up the offer. Given that, it is a real bloody shame.
acotrel Posted - 25 May 2013 : 04:54:41 AM
There used to be a bike wrecker in Bendigo who might pick them up. He was just off the main drag towards the hospital on the north side of Golden Square, over the bridge. It would be a shame to waste them.

Is this what happens our belongings when we die? I find those photos very sad.
David Posted - 20 May 2013 : 7:01:51 PM
New owners of the property will be getting the scrap metal bloke in to scrap the parts.

So much for promoting the sport through the clubs, I tried to give the clubs a gift and not one jumped at it, and as for these that are trying to keep the sport alive, doesn't appear that way to me.
David Posted - 12 May 2013 : 4:36:50 PM
So I gather that no one is interested in the items. Guess that they are going to go to the scrap metal man then as I have no where to store them and the new owners of the property do not want them.

If there are some that can come and pick the parts up on the 19th/20th May 2013 than please let me know by Thursday lunch time via the contact form or I arrange with the scrap metal man.
David Posted - 29 Apr 2013 : 07:59:39 AM
I was at the shed on the week-end and took some quick pictures of what is in the job lot including 5 bike frames, forks, wheels, tanks, seats, fairings and heaps of other parts:

Well worth the price and the trip to collect.

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