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 Wanted cb350 engine

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Biketaviousmaximus Posted - 22 May 2014 : 07:26:10 AM
Hello guys,
Not sure if this s thought forum but I am looking for a 350 engine to suit a 72 cb350. I have on which has a slight knock in the bottom end at idle, so thought if I can find a spare I can rebuild that and swap them over?

Are engine parts interchangeable?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
matcho mick Posted - 29 May 2014 : 11:36:47 PM
geezas,thats noisy,behind the bigger knocking sound i think the cam chains clattering away in the background,load the motor,use rear wheel in gear & undo/do up the tensioner lockbolt & see if that quitens it??,not sure about the main noise,is it louder on right side of motor?,seemed that way in your vids??,cheers mick
Biketaviousmaximus Posted - 22 May 2014 : 5:28:50 PM
I just loaded two movie to youtube. hopefully you can see it?
Biketaviousmaximus Posted - 22 May 2014 : 4:27:39 PM
no, its there when it idles, amongst the cam chain rattle it has a but of a knocking noise. Can movies be posted on this forum? I could video it???
matcho mick Posted - 22 May 2014 : 3:02:10 PM
is the noise there when you load the motor,(try "not" stalling 1st gear with brakes on??)b/ends are roller,not a job for the fainthearted,even mains are honda specific,(your'e gunna spend time on the interweb),trust me,
Biketaviousmaximus Posted - 22 May 2014 : 12:34:02 PM
It seems to go away when i rev it up, I was concerned that if I strip it down and find something like a worn crankshaft, I will be with out a bike while i source parts. Is it a big job to replace big end bearings? Can i get rings and bearings readily?
matcho mick Posted - 22 May 2014 : 11:15:19 AM
why don't you sort out the knock 1st,does it go away with engine speed?,pretty robust b/ends,(up to a point),all 350 K series motors will interchange,pretty rare but, most are racing ,some 2fiddy stuffs the same,gears,not cranks but,good luck,

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