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 Irving Vincent Engines

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
john Posted - 05 Nov 2021 : 2:52:16 PM
Is the engine with only one plug being used at P$ events, has anybody noticed?
And what about the 4 valve head also.
I love the technology in the engines, but I dont want to race against a 4 valve 3 plug headed donk in a PO4 event. I will talk to Barry later, but wondering if others have concerns.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
acotrel Posted - 03 Dec 2021 : 06:02:21 AM
You say you do not want to race against the Irving Vincent. I will race against anything, but racing a big four stroke against two strokes is dangerous. The race lines are too different. A two stroke can get to where it should not be in corners With my bike, I always worry about hitting other riders. On right hand corners, I usually go up the right side of the track under the guys who are out on the ripple strips. Similarly on left handers. Most two strokes can go anywhere in corners.
acotrel Posted - 03 Dec 2021 : 05:53:26 AM
I now have 6 speeds close ratio.
acotrel Posted - 03 Dec 2021 : 05:49:57 AM
To beat my Seeley around Winton, you would need 120 BHP.
acotrel Posted - 03 Dec 2021 : 05:48:00 AM
I am now 80 and unlikely to race again. I intend to organise a practice day for classic bikes at Winton in the first few months of next year Steve Oszko's son Andrew might be interested in having a ride on my Seeley Commando. I will teach him how to ride it in corners.
acotrel Posted - 03 Dec 2021 : 05:42:14 AM
Historic racing in now our only development class, The Irving Vincent is excellent, but it is not an historic racer except for the fact that it fits within the rules. One thing we never did in the olden days was cheat on engine capacity. But you cannot expect idiots such as Peter Lord and Derek Pickard to know that. Historic racing was stuffed right from it's inception in October 1973. Wolfenden's CB750 Hondas are 1100cc. When I had a go at him over that, he told me his bikes fit within the rules. In effect it does not matter in this case. In Perod 4 about 5 yeart ago. I got one decent start with my Seeley Commando and road under the three lead Hondas at turn two on Winton . I was well in front when my fuel line popped off. Wolfenden's bike do not handle. But an Irving Vincent DOES handle. I have not raced against them, but if they are out on the ripple strips in corners, I can beat them.

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