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T O P I C    R E V I E W
conker Posted - 14 Jan 2012 : 10:26:34 AM
I put a comment on another topic that ' I thought this forum was intended to promote classic racing'. The administrator's father Allan Greening then took umbrage and made comments about David's personal obligations, and his contribution in running this site. My comment was not a dig at David. It was about the total lack of information about the Historics practice day at Broadford. What do you want ? Do you want the sport to spiral into nothing ? Because that is where it is heading ! It is not David's job to seek out what's on in historic racing. But it IS his job not to discourage input on this forum. Locking the topic to stop further comment is a bit stupid !
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Allan Posted - 22 Jan 2012 : 09:25:58 AM
not sure "but" it may have been me that locked the fourm!! siht happen's
David Posted - 21 Jan 2012 : 2:52:20 PM
Alan C, it must be a dig at me and the site in general given the above comments and you need to check your facts before insinuating that I locked the topic given that there are 4 Moderators who could do that, so if you are talking about the Broadford topic, it was not me, but I can see why it was locked. It was due to going off topic by you again..

I have not discouraged the promotion of input to this forum, again it is you with your off topic comments and having a go at others who do post that is stopping input.

If I really cared where the topic was heading, I would of locked when it started to go with your comments. I have put in an offer for events to go on the front page at no cost: Reply to: Broadford but the clubs don't seem to want to take advantage and given there was over 16 million page views in 2011 (which is more that 1.3 Million a month), it is a shame for a chance to get more people involved. (car clubs not eligible for the offer)

I have the stats to prove it, so I must be doing my bit.

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