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 Just wondering-Promotion idea

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
john Posted - 19 Jan 2011 : 8:33:52 PM
The Executive of MV accepted an idea to create another management committee, the Landscape management Committee which will take steps to gain resources and funds to improve the landscaping at Broadford. The overall view is to improve;
Reduce dust
Reduce maintenace costs
provide shade

Anybody who is interested to help contact myself on 03 9888 4387 or leave a mesage hear.

BUT the real reason for this topic is to see if there is interest in seeking the establishment of a sidecar management committee to promote sidecars across all disciplines.
What do you think?
How would it work?
Who wants to do something?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
john Posted - 28 Jan 2011 : 8:57:57 PM
ANY thoughts please?
john Posted - 22 Jan 2011 : 10:15:50 PM
Its purpose would be to use skills and resources from disciplines who have been really successfull and use them to grow the whole range of chair racing numbers..
Its only purpose would be promotion and encouragement, it would not have any other role.
I guess it would help present cases to promoters to run chairs, get articles in magazines etc as part of a continuing promotion scheme.
Currently each club seems to try its best and maybe by working together we can get a better result.
It may take on the role of promoting a sidecar festival that was proposed years ago since that is something I have been tinkering with a for a while just waiting for interest.
Anyway, would you like to chat and let us know if you think it will help.

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