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 P6 Sidecars

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
peen0_0 Posted - 11 Mar 2011 : 12:03:15 PM
There is a lot of discussion in another post about P6 entering the historic ranks.For someone who doesn't have a lot of knowleadge about the different categories in sidecar racing, can anyone clarify for me, and perhaps others, exactly what a P6 sidecar might consist of and look like, and is P6 going to enter the sidecar fraternity? Cheers, Tony.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jeff Posted - 25 Mar 2011 : 4:48:36 PM
PCRA in NSW has been running P6 (sometmes called New Era) classes for a few years as a bit of an experiment, with the hope it will be adopted by MA. The solo classes get quite a number of older GSX-Rs, ZXRs, Fireblades etc, the cut off being December 1996. A few sidecars have run as P6 from time to time, oil cooled GSX-Rs and ZZRs, but never too many, as many get more modern engines, to run as a F1. There are more similarites with modern F1s than P5, as you can run long bikes, monocoques, hub centre steering, with restrictions on engine age and I think 14" wheels.

john Posted - 17 Mar 2011 : 1:05:58 PM
For a start it seems P6 sidecars may not be covered in the rule book. That is something I will followup.
P6 sidecars are similar to what Geoff mentioned;
Water / Oil cooling
Wider wheels
LCR design was current at that time.
peen0_0 Posted - 12 Mar 2011 : 09:57:26 AM
Yes, I remember the post now Geoff, but don't recall a response. BTW, congratulations on the well deserved win at the Island in January. Great to see. We can also brag that we beat John and Chrissy in the points tally, Hmmwahahahaha! New Martin framed P4 well on track. We hope to make the "Old Farts" at Mac Park with it this year. See you there? Cheers, Tony.
Geoffpgrant Posted - 11 Mar 2011 : 4:46:24 PM
Hmmm that was my question in that other post Tony but I did not really get an answer from anyone. As John said, it is early days yet and things will evolve but my guess is the only differences between a P5 and a P6 will be engines (water cooled will have to fit in there), wheels (a bit wider than P5) and... well that is about it really. But then I have difficulty in identifying what the difference might be between a P6 and a current modern F1? So I am with you Tony, can anyone give us a clear picture?

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