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 Period 3 Front Brake

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Matt Morgan Posted - 17 Jul 2012 : 9:21:11 PM
Can someone please give me a rundown on the relatively recent rule change regarding period 3 front brakes?

Cheers all, Matt
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
john feakes Posted - 19 Jul 2012 : 08:03:54 AM
December 31st 1962............the year the world ended for some.
Matt Morgan Posted - 18 Jul 2012 : 7:53:18 PM
Now the year restrictions again?

(Peeno, I read your comment and burst my pimples at you with impunity....)
john feakes Posted - 18 Jul 2012 : 3:03:58 PM
Matt, keep in mind that the current limit is 230mm diameter.
This may be changed but there again it may not.
We tried hard to get any size accepted but when we finally got a change it had to come with a restriction placed on it.
Keep watching the MA website.
peen0_0 Posted - 18 Jul 2012 : 1:34:14 PM
You don't need brakes Matty! You'll be going that slow that you'll only need to throw a foot out! Hehehehe.
Matt Morgan Posted - 18 Jul 2012 : 1:33:23 PM
Lovely, thank you folks. In particular Allan, that was above and beyond the call of duty!
Allan Posted - 18 Jul 2012 : 10:59:51 AM

Developed by Daniel Fontana for the works 500's of the late '60's. Used on early works Trident racers
Allan Posted - 18 Jul 2012 : 10:58:16 AM
Allan Posted - 18 Jul 2012 : 10:37:54 AM
Drum ID Link Manufacturer, Model, &c. K S A Brake Shoe Drum
Type Area R Effect
MM In. MM In. BEC ß

260 10.24 Yamaha TD3, TZ &c. 27 1.06 4LS 68.4 D 350 399
Yamaha 1971 TD2 36 27 1.06 4LS 68.4 D 350 399

250 9.84 Fontana 9.5 40 17 30 1.18 4LS 73.0 D 359 409
Menani (magnesium) 8.4 40 4LS D
Kawasaki H1R 20 .79 4LS 48.7 D 239 273

230 9.06 Grimeca 36 17 30 1.18 4LS 67.2 D 304 346
Benelli Toronado 650c(1967) 2-SLS S 304
Smith Kanrin 4LS D
Honda RC181 (1967.) 7.5 36 17 30 1.18 4LS 67.2 D 304 346
Ceriani (special repro) 36 17 30 1.18 4LS 67.2 D 304 346
Ceriani (wide repro) 36 17 25 .98 4LS 56.0 D 253 288
Grimeca dual SLS 30 1.18 2-SLS 67.2 S 304 304
Ceriani (narrow repro) 36 17 20 .79 4LS 44.8 D 203 231
Fontana 20 .79 4LS 44.8 D 203 231
Oldani (repro) 36 35 1.38 2LS 39.2 D 177 202
Grimeca 2LS 36 30 1.18 2-SLS 67.2 S 304 304

220 8.66 Moto Guzzi V7 40 25 .98 4LS 53.5 D 232 264
Moto Guzzi 40 40 1.58 2LS 42.9 D 186 211

210 8.27 Fontana (Menani, magnesium) 6.5 40 17 25 .98 4LS 51.1 D 211 240

203 8.00 BSA, Triumph conical 40 41.3 1.63 2LS 40.8 D 163 186
BSA, Triumph 1968-70 full-width 8” 40 41.3 1.63 2LS 40.8 S 163 186
H-D Sportster 1964-72* 40 38.1 1.50 2LS 37.7 D 151 172
BSA *-1967 full-width 8" 40 41.3 1.63 SLS 40.8 S 163 163
Triumph *-1967 full-width 8" 40 41.3 1.63 SLS 40.8 S 163 163
H-D Sportster 1964-72 40 38.1 1.50 SLS 37.7 S 151 151
Norton Commando 40 31.8 1.25 2LS 31.4 D 126 143
Norton 88, 99, 650, Atlas; Matchless 40 31.8 1.25 SLS 31.4 D 126 126
H-D big twin 1949-71 twin drums 40 25.4 1.00 2-SLS 50.3 S 201 201
H-D big twin 1949-71* 40 25.4 1.00 2LS 25.1 D 101 115
H-D big twin 1949-71 40 25.4 1.00 SLS 25.1 S 101 101

200 7.87 Suzuki GT550 36 25 .98 4LS 48.7 D 192 219
Suzuki GT750 36 25 .98 4LS 48.7 D 192 219
Honda RC163 36 4LS D
Suzuki T500 36 15 40 1.58 2LS 39.0 D 153 174
Kawasaki Mach 1 H1 40 40 1.58 2LS 39.0 D 153 174
Yamaha XS-650 36 17 35 1.38 2LS 34.1 D 134 153
Honda CB450 40 15 30 1.18 2LS 29.2 D 115 131
BMW R50, R60, R75 40 30 1.18 2LS 29.2 D 115 131
Oldani (repro) 36 30 1.18 2LS 29.2 D 115 131
Honda CB72/77 36 15 30 1.18 2LS 29.2 D 115 131

191 7.50 Velocette Venom 40 2LS D

190 7.48 Bridgestone 350 30 1.18 2LS 27.8 D 104 118
Gold Star 40 34.9 1.38 SLS 32.3 S 121 121
Gold Star; Pearson conversion to 2LS 40 34.9 1.38 2LS 32.3 D 121 138
184 7.25 H-D KR, XLR -54R “conical” 40 38.1 1.50 SLS 34.2 S 124 124
H-D big twin 1936-57* 40 25.4 1.00 2LS 22.8 D 83 94
H-D K, KH, XL 1952-63* 40 25.4 1.00 SLS 22.8 D 83 94
H-D big twin 1936-57 40 25.4 1.00 SLS 22.8 S 83 83
H-D K, KH, XL 1952-63 40 25.4 1.00 SLS 22.8 S 83 83

180 7.09 Grimeca dual SLS 36 15 25 .98 2-SLS 43.8 S 155 155
Fontana 36 15 22 .87 4LS 38.6 D 137 156
Menani (magnesium) 4.0 36 4LS D
Honda 350/360 36 30 1.18 2LS 26.3 D 93 106
Yamaha YDS-6 30 1.18 2LS 26.3 D 93 106
Kawasaki Avenger 350 A7SS 30 1.18 2LS 26.3 D 93 106
Suzuki T350 28 1.10 2LS 24.5 D 87 99

178 7.00 BSA, Triumph 1968-74 7" 40 34.9 1.38 2LS 30.2 D 106 121
BSA *-1967 7” 40 34.9 1.38 SLS 30.2 S 106 106
Triumph *-1967 7" 40 34.9 1.38 SLS 30.2 S 106 106

170 6.75 H-D VL 1930-36* 40 25.4 1.00 2LS 21.2 D 72 82
H-D 45 1930-52* 40 25.4 1.00 2LS 21.2 D 72 82
H-D VL 1930-36 40 25.4 1.00 SLS 21.2 S 72 72
H-D 45 1930-52 40 25.4 1.00 SLS 21.2 S 72 72

170 6.69 Menani (magnesium) 3.5 36 4LS D
Fontana (magnesium) 36 4LS D

160 6.30 Honda CB175 36 30 1.18 2LS 23.4 D 74 84
Bridgestone 175 36 30 1.18 2LS 23.4 D 74 84
Suzuki X-5 36 28 1.10 2LS 21.8 D 69 79

140 5.51 Menani (magnesium) 2.8 36 4LS D
john feakes Posted - 18 Jul 2012 : 08:43:26 AM
Matt, basically it allows the use of any drum brake up to a maximum diameter of 230mm.
This maximum size restriction is currently being questioned as it seems there were larger brakes available in the period.

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