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 sl350 cafe racer

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Rebsl Posted - 28 Jan 2011 : 9:36:42 PM
Greetings all My first post on the forum. I hope this post is in the correct area.

I have an SL350 K1 I think (no starter motor). I intend to do a cafe racer project, road registered. I can get onto a complete cb750 front end, but why are the cb500 triples the popular choice. Is there a problem with the 750 triples ?

Also, is there a twin disc front end that will work without a major reengineer. Thanks
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jvdairlie Posted - 03 Feb 2011 : 12:34:38 PM
I have an SL350 K1 I think (no starter motor). I intend to do a cafe racer project, road registered. I can get onto a complete cb750 front end, but why are the cb500 triples the popular choice. Is there a problem with the 750 triples ?

You may find you'll have issues with the steering stop (fixable though) when fitting both the 500 or 750 bottom clamp and stem to the 350 steering head.

It's possible to use twin disc setup using 500/700 mounts and calipers. I have just done it.
jvdairlie Posted - 31 Jan 2011 : 1:38:52 PM
O think he means TRIPLE CLAMP racer7 - Not triple cylinder!!
racer7 Posted - 30 Jan 2011 : 8:07:12 PM
Hi Rebel
I think perhaps you mean CB750 4 cylinder? Kawasaki made triple 2-strokes. A SL350 would be adequately stopped by a single disc, even at racing speeds. The CB750 front end you can get hold of, grab it.

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