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 Falling glass

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
john Posted - 22 Nov 2010 : 10:48:27 AM
Falling glass problem

On Friday evening I was moving a 1.8M x 1.2M sheet of glass in my framing business.
Something happeed and it split and dropped on to my left foot, up near my leg. I wondered if I had lost a foot for a moment.
Luckily I wear elastic sided boots so the leather was up high, but within an hour or so I was in trouble.

I could not put any weight on it and decided to go home at 8.30 pm.
I hopped to my car 300M away, manged to drive somehow and crawled inside home.

Now, are two things I have discovered from racing motorcycles;
- Brake as late as you can
- Keep a bag of frozen peas at hand.

I climbed into bed with a pillow under my foot and had the frozen pease, big bag, strapped to the foot.
2 hrs later I removed it.
In the morning there was no sign of bruising, my foot could be stood on and whilst it would stop me from kick starting a bike I could walk again.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Patrick Posted - 22 Nov 2010 : 9:30:48 PM
Huge marketing chance here John - was the pea brand McCains or Birds Eye.
If the glass was Pilkington's then ask for a replacement sheet!
Good to hear that all was well in the morning.

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