T O P I C R E V I E W |
john feakes |
Posted - 07 Aug 2011 : 10:51:59 AM The Historic Motorcycle Racing Association of Victoria will conduct the 30th Southern Classic at Broadford on the 29th and 30th of October.
This great event is not to be missed if you have an interest in historic racing or just looking at beautiful old bikes and their sometimes not so beautiful riders. Make a note in your diary and get there. http://www.hmrav.org/ |
22 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
NicM |
Posted - 26 Oct 2011 : 1:08:04 PM Not long now, plenty of entries I hear? |
john feakes |
Posted - 26 Oct 2011 : 12:28:41 PM I can't help but notice that the Southern Classic does not get a mention in the upcoming events column. David, could you rectify this please? October 29th and 30th at Broadford. Thanks, John |
conker |
Posted - 14 Oct 2011 : 07:25:29 AM I recognise the good work John Daley has done organising historic road race meetings. And while I am often critical of him, I appreciate the opportunity this web site provides for democratic input. I believe John is more responsive to new ideas than MA or MV. It's a pity that his right of freedom of speech is curtailed by the bureacrats in HMRAV. Most of us can recognise when something is John's opinion and not necessarily HMRAV policy. I believe that HMRAV should move away from pushing its own barrow and concentrate more on pooling the available resources of other organisations, with its own. We should try to grow our corner of motorcycle sport with a combined effort. |
john |
Posted - 13 Oct 2011 : 11:41:43 PM Thanks GD66. The entry numbers may well exceed 240. 15 Classic Sidecars 23 P4 and P5 sidecars 36 F/Era Unlimiited solos. There will most likely be some adjustment to the program to get everybody on the track. As for pit sheds, they are allocated on a first come first in, except for a few people who have supported the clubs activities immensely and I hope you accept that. Kelly did mention she was overwhelmed by the number of entries that arrived almost immeadiately.
Will have again blocked cars from the camping area behind the canteen, we will be asking all trailers to be taken over to the trailer park opposite the pit gate, in the 40 acre paddock. Remember food and beverages are available. We have a kind offer of some trick Hondas to be on show and they will circulate at the lunch time show.
GD66 |
Posted - 11 Oct 2011 : 8:12:37 PM He got revved by the committee for expressing his opinion on some club policies and activities on this site. Whether you agree with John's POV or not, you can't deny the work he's put in for a long time for that club. I'd have thought they need all the free publicity they can get, if you put some thought into it and turn it around, it can easily work in your favour, on a number of levels. This is probably why you have seen some degree of regression from him in recent months. That club is the leading promoter of classic racing in Vic, but they need a reminder that they're not the only one... |
conker |
Posted - 11 Oct 2011 : 08:29:47 AM 'HMARV run meeting? committe dont like this site!!'
Has Daley got the hump ?
david dunk |
Posted - 10 Oct 2011 : 5:59:38 PM Hey just wondering how the pit sheds get allocated ?. Just I've missed out the last few times, but have entered a couple of weeks after the entries were posted. But this time i dragged them off this site an posted the next day. one week before i got them in the post and still missed out. Is there another way to secure a shed ? Cheers David. |
Allan |
Posted - 09 Oct 2011 : 05:52:37 AM HMARV run meeting? committe dont like this site!! David has it on in early post but no actual date if "CLUBS" GIVE THE INFO IT WILL BE PLACED ONTO THIS SITE.. Only date is "compulsory riders briefing on Saturday 29th October".
revhd |
Posted - 08 Oct 2011 : 8:48:29 PM mate i cannot even find it listed on this web site,promotion??? |
conker |
Posted - 08 Oct 2011 : 06:43:19 AM Why isn't this event shown on the MA calendar? How do spectators know it's on, if it is kept secret ? The Southern Classic is the only road race meeting on the weekend following the Australian MotoGP. From my penthouse in Benalla, each year I see thousands of bikes travelling down the Hume to the MotoGP. Perhaps some of them might like to stay in Melbourne for the week, and stop off at Broadford on the way home ? And what about the foreigners who fly in for the GP? They might like an extra reason for being here? |
john feakes |
Posted - 30 Sep 2011 : 08:13:30 AM The paddock area will be chaotic. There are too many roads going through it and not enough space left for parking. I think it needs some urgent alterations to get it back to what it used to be, a paddock for race bikes. |
john |
Posted - 27 Sep 2011 : 9:56:27 PM Patrick, I will pass on your kind words to the HMRAV, thanks So far, 27 Sept 2011 we have 130 machines entered and entries have not closed yet, so we are hoping for a big number. All pit sheds are gone. The honor to Shirley Luke has been done to thank her for many years of service to motorcycle racing. |
Allan |
Posted - 08 Sep 2011 : 09:43:38 AM AC with all the "hot air: that comes from u I think a "wind generator" would be the way to go !! |
Patrick |
Posted - 07 Sep 2011 : 10:08:11 PM Keeping to the Southern Classic theme; I once replied to a question by an interveiwer as to what I considered to be the most enjoyable event at the SMSC. Without having to consider I said "that for total entertainment, where competitors and spectators got into the whole event I could not go past the Southern Classic" Well did the questions start to fly in from the MX dominated executive. I stuck to my response and invited the protaginists to come and see for themselves. To be fair they did and were won over the next year. Life was good. Roll on Southern Classic 30 [for Shirley Luke] |
Patrick |
Posted - 07 Sep 2011 : 9:29:16 PM If all the solar power and conversion fails AC then you could use V-Line, less than $16 return Benalla - Broadford |
Geoffpgrant |
Posted - 07 Sep 2011 : 5:27:08 PM Hey it is Victoria - what do you reckon the weather forecast would be???? :-) |
conker |
Posted - 06 Sep 2011 : 05:23:39 AM I'm busy fitting a solar panel to the roof of my car, so I can drive down there. What's the weather forecast for that weekend ? If it's overcast I might not get past Avenel. |
Geoffpgrant |
Posted - 05 Sep 2011 : 4:31:48 PM So disappointed I can't get there! Geoff Sidecar #30 |
NicM |
Posted - 19 Aug 2011 : 2:00:03 PM Grouse! |
David |
Posted - 19 Aug 2011 : 08:10:09 AM

HMRAV would like to invite you to compete in the 2011 30th Southern Classic in honour of Shirley Luke.
Please note this year the Southern Classic will be held over 4 Legs (two Saturday & two Sunday), please refer to Proposed Race Schedule for further information.
Please note that the attached Proposed Race Schedule is a proposal only at the time of release of these Supplementary Regulations. HMRAV would like all riders to be aware that it may be altered. You will be informed at the compulsory riders briefing on Saturday 29th October.
Camping will be available at the circuit at $10 per head per night with indemnity forms and money to be collected at the circuit.
Download from here the: Supp Regulations 527.32 KB
john |
Posted - 13 Aug 2011 : 07:56:44 AM NOTE A NEW FORMAT IS BEING USED The Southern Classic events will each have a number of legs, to get the result, with riders scoring points in each leg towards the result. The HMRAV has adopted this following requests form riders to consider it.
Suupp regs will be available from this site, MV and the HMRAV site soon. |
revhd |
Posted - 10 Aug 2011 : 10:14:40 PM Are entrys out yet? If not any idea when |