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 Thunderbikes @ Southern Classic 2012

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acotrel Posted - 19 Sep 2012 : 3:58:37 PM
I've been told that the thunderbikes will be permitted to run in Period 3 Unlimited. Is this correct ? If so I will have to start taking a bit more interest, especially if the ducatis are going to be on the grid too.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
acotrel Posted - 05 Oct 2012 : 04:36:26 AM
Running period 4 thunderbikes with period 3 unlimited is a very good start. It would be better if you could also get the period 5 ducatis onto the same grid. There is no sense in being paranoid, a good guy on a Norvin should be able to beat them. As far as entries are concerned, the guys who own logbooked commandos and unit triumphs won't be aware of the new opportunity to have a good competitive ride, unless they are told. You guys have the old entry lists and programmes. Perhaps one of you should get on the phone and do a ring around? Or send a few emails. Start with the Larges, Chris Grubb and Doug Gorrie. Also Peter Smith.
I will at least come and have a look, and if it looks worthwhile, I might get my bike logbooked for next time, as long as you intend to make a habit of running this class. Has that been decided, or is this a 'suck it and see'?
john Posted - 27 Sep 2012 : 06:56:53 AM
Depending on the numbers involved, Thunder bikes will race within the P3 unlimited event.
I cant tell you how many machines are entered.
acotrel Posted - 20 Sep 2012 : 09:24:27 AM
If it is about to happen, it would be worth letting Scotty Brown's BEARs mates know about it soon, especially if logbooks are required. Also the guys at Ozlaverda might like it too. While the innovation is indefinite, we cannot do much to get the word around.
john feakes Posted - 20 Sep 2012 : 08:33:05 AM
If we fail to get the message out there will not be any new bikes, Ducatis or anything else.
So, if you know anyone who might like a ride, please pass the word on.

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