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T O P I C    R E V I E W
john Posted - 06 Feb 2014 : 8:58:54 PM
The management committees for Historic road race and Classic Moto x are working together to see if they can help grow both sections of motorcycle sport. MV suggested that mixing skills and experience may create a benefit.
Classic Moto X starts with pre 70's scramble bikes which were often used as road race machines as well on other weekends. Then there is Twin Shock stuff in the 70's until the single shock and linkages in suspension go from 1980 or so upwards.
Mv wonder if the potentail for racers and spectators to appear if all old bikes are promoted as a group even if the racing is completely separate. I am aware of some racers at HMRAV events in Vic who also do Classic/ Vinatge moto X.
So what do others think?
Please share your views.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
john Posted - 07 Feb 2014 : 8:46:01 PM
We are not talking of a combined meeting.
As the idea has grown I see that it is getting bigger than initially considered.
Its my guess, without, any discussion, that it will be a separate event.
matcho mick Posted - 06 Feb 2014 : 10:53:11 PM
tricky John,it's hard to be in 2 places at once??,don't know about vmx,but vintage dirt track sure sharpens the reflexes up for roadracing,especially in the wet,

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