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 Mt Buller hillclimb- proposed.
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Posted - 16 Aug 2008 :  10:11:50 AM  Show Profile Send john a Private Message  

I need expressions of interest quickly


The Mountain motor sports company plan to hold a 3km hillclimb at Mt Buller, Victoria, using the existing road to the village. The company already runs an event, The Mt Buller Sprint You must be logged in to see this link. which is a very successful motoring event and they wish to add a hill climb which includes motorcycles on the Friday and Saturday prior to the sprint event on Sunday and Monday of the Melbourne Cup weekend of Oct 31 and Nov 1 2008. Meanwhile, at the Mt. Buller Village, spectators will be able to take part in lots of activities ranging from mountain biking to wine tasting, so bring along the family for an action packed weekend.The aim of the inclusion of the hill climb to the Mt Buller Sprint is to draw on the growing interest in historic and classic race cars. The event will be of a totally different nature to the “sprint” component with the cars being of a pure racing background, unlike the production base of the “sprint” cars.
It is envisioned that an extra day be included at the start of the “Festival of Speed” weekend so that both sections (hillclimb and sprint) have separate days of competition.
Thursday the 30th of October would consist of scutineering and documentation at Horse Hill carpark with a welcome cocktail party and drivers briefing that night.

The HMRAV will run the event as an open meeting for well presented solo and sidecar machines from veteran to period 5 machines The organisers are hoping competitors see this event as a mixture of involvement and competition, but not to the extent machines are bent, which is why any P5 class machine entry would need to be by invitation only.

It is hoped some Manx Norton’s, AJS 7R’s etc can make it along with sidecars and a good representation of machines across our time zone.
It is proposed to run the event on a dial a time basis to keep the competitive part of the event more evenly balanced between all competitors. After practice, riders would nominate a time they would try and consistently achieve and who ever gets closest consistently to their time would be the winner.

The HMRAV will have access to the track for about 4 hours per day sharing that time with 30 cars also entered in the hillclimb and we expect at least 10 runs over the two days. Entry fees will be about $80.
Accommodation is available in the range of $20 -$800 per night and more details will come later.
Expressions of interest early may involve a lower entry fee.
From all accounts there is a busy social calendar involved. A welcome party is held on Thursday evening, practice starts at 8.30 am on Friday and Saturday and each night there are activities. Toddy has explained he will tuck everybody into bed no later than 11pm.

The organizers will install all barricades etc as required. Timing would be provided at 30 second intervals, with Race Solutions with a clock and beams across the track. You must be logged in to see this link.
Marshals – all marshals are medical trained.
The pits will be located within the Horsehill car park and refueling of machines will only be permitted in a specified area. Mainly because the track is not a dedicated race track and the Mt Buller management committee are very conscious of environmental issues.

Only well presented machines will be permitted.

The organisers are hoping to build the event to something like Goodwood from the UK, 2008 seems to be about the third year of the event.

It is important that the HMRAV committee get feedback on what people think about this event ASAP, that means by 25 August 2008. Otherwise we may choose to not go ahead since the organizing committee need a commitment from the motorcycles in time to promote this event.

John Daley Sidecar #68
' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter."

Edited by - john on 16 Aug 2008 12:15:11 PM

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Posted - 18 Aug 2008 :  08:43:38 AM  Show Profile Send john a Private Message  

At the moment we have 10 sidecars and 2 solos who have indicated they would come along to this event.
If you are serious about coming let me know because we need to know if there is enough interest to even be bothered following up our invitation.
I have been advised the road is in perfect condition and there will be good opportunities for off the mountain accommodation.

John Daley Sidecar #68
' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter."

Edited by - john on 18 Aug 2008 09:08:18 AM
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Posted - 19 Aug 2008 :  2:03:20 PM  Show Profile Send john a Private Message  

We now have 12 sidecars and 4 solos with a chnace some of the Class C bikes shall attend.
Here are some notes which are being considered by the committee, I have put them here before approval in part because of the short time involved and in part to let you see how thsi will be different from other events the HMRAV promote;
Experience and Acceptance
All riders are required to satisfy the organisers that they have appropriate motor sport experience and competence to participate in the event. The criteria for rider acceptance shall be proof to the committee of experience gained in circuit racing or Hill climbs and they must hold an MA National Racing license.
The Organisers reserve the right not to accept any machine or rider. Acceptance of a specific machine in a previous event year or another similar event, shall not necessarily mean that the machine will be automatically accepted for this event.
A division for machines without log books can be catered for providing they race with modern rules, I.E. pump fuel only, tie wires in place, full face helmet only.
Machines will be required to carry event stickers during the period of the event.
Competitors are required to have in the Service Park/pits a 1kg container / bag of environmentally friendly, 100% organic, non-leaching, non-toxic, biodegradable oil absorbent material for use in case of an oil spill.
Refuelling is only permitted in the event refuelling area and will be available between each run.
Fuel is to be stored at the Service Park/pits or refuelling area only.
Each team must have a rubbish bin for themselves.
In the Service Park/pits, machines may only be washed by use of a sponge from a bucket. Where oils, solvents and degreasing fluids are used, all residues must be securely contained and not be allowed to come in contact with the ground. The use of pressure cleaners is prohibited. Breaches noted by an official of the rally will result in a report to the Stewards with a recommendation that a fine be applied.

There shall be no official Reconnaissance period for the course. It is strongly recommended that all intending riders should study the circuit prior to the event.
The use of unregistered machines for reconnaissance is strictly forbidden. Any reconnaissance must be carried out in road-registered vehicles. In the interest of community relations, we recommended that teams only drive the course twice for reconnaissance.

The organisers will supply each team with;
- two tickets to the presentation function held on Thursday evening. Tickets to the Monday night trophy presentation can be purchased during the event.
- Event promotion stickers which are to be attached to your machine.
Consideration to putting up a large tent should be considered, to make things tidy and neat. Cost I guess may be $80 each machine.
Full security will be on hand in the Service Park / pit areas."


John Daley Sidecar #68
' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter."
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3130 Posts

Posted - 20 Aug 2008 :  10:58:03 PM  Show Profile Send john a Private Message  

I need to remind everybody that at this stage the HMRAV committee has yet to fully discuss the invitation. I have been seeking the expressions of interest to see if there is any support because despite the Mt Tarrengower hill climb being a great social occassion we always get entries very late and we have no idea what is happening with numbers. The Mt Buller event by its very nature and extremely short notice / request to attend cannot run that way.

Its my guess, having seen the response, that if the HMRAV does not get involved, another club would pick it up immeadiately.

Thus far there have been 25 expressions of interest.

The HMRAV could be in the position of running the Southern Classic on the 18 / 19, Mt Tarrengower on 25 /26 and then the Mt Buller event on 31 Oct 1 Nov.

We have limited resources and would need extra hands to the deck to do a decent job at each event. Please think about offering a hand, thanks.

John Daley Sidecar #68
' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter."

Edited by - john on 22 Aug 2008 9:24:59 PM
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