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 SA sidecar and Vic Champs together at Mt Gambier!!
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3130 Posts

Posted - 07 Oct 2009 :  10:26:49 PM  Show Profile Send john a Private Message  


The management committees in Vic are thinking of running one round of the Modern Vic Titles at Mt Gambier.
Doug Dukes was talking with some SA racers who suggestted the sidecars should do a big event at that event. The idea involves the races which form the legs of the Vic Titles points also are used to establish the South Aust Chanpionships.
They are thinking about trying to make the sidecars a feature, so the Historics could also establish a SA Champ.
It turns out they have not run them for 5-6 yeras.
So the plan is that we think about it and put up our hands if you think it could work.
What do people think?

John Daley Sidecar #68
' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter."

Level 3 Member

South Australia

204 Posts

Posted - 16 Dec 2009 :  11:25:36 PM  Show Profile Send Geoffpgrant a Private Message  

Hmmm Well your details are not quite right. We certainly ran the SA titles and included sidecars last year and I won it... But, there was not a lot of entries and this is why I was pushing all you Victorians to come over this year. A half dozen of you have responded and that is fantastic - all we need is a few more of you to get over there and play with us.
As for combining historic sidecars with a round of the moderns - that would be fantastic but I do see a couple of issues with separating one race from the SA Titles. The first is that there are a few of the sidecar boys who also run solos and if they are able to do that because they enter the solos as an extra entry. If you split the sidecars to another meeting then entry costs double.
BUT, if you included the round of moderns at the current SA State Historic Titles (on the weekend between Christmas and New Year) then that would make an excellent meeting even more fantastic and it might make a specatacle that would get more Victorians out of their state. YES, I know I am picking on the Vics but really, most of you are closer to Mt Gambier than I and most other South Australians are so you have no excuses!
If you cannot get a round of the moderns into the Christmas meeting then could Isuggest that you look at say Easter or the Master of Mac Park to include the Moderns and push for a full compliment of historics as well. It just might be another way of doing it. I think that if you create another meeting that won't work because there are is only so much money available to race.
Sidecar #30
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