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 Decline of post classic fields
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Former Member

63 Posts

Posted - 10 Jun 2001 :  6:58:29 PM  

I`ve read with interest the debate over the P4 rules.
In 1992-1993 there were huge fields in all post classic classes so I dont believe that the rules are a contributing factor.
So why the decline,is getting too expensive,not enough time to prepare bikes or race, discontent over they way the sport is being run or is it that some are not competative or cannot afford to make their bike faster?
Stumps me when the only thing better than racing a bike, weekends away with your mates and meeting people with the same interests is sex.


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Posted - 11 Jun 2001 :  08:45:52 AM  Show Profile Send acotrel a Private Message  

I've only ever seen one Forgotten Era race (at Broadford), when are we going to increase the size of Post Classic fields by including these guys? The major disincentive to racing Post Classic is the knowledge that you will never be competitive against the big bore Hondas unless you get one yourself. Let's move them up a class and allow TZ350's to run against them.

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599 Posts

Posted - 11 Jun 2001 :  09:50:03 AM  Show Profile  Visit Allan's Homepage Send Allan a Private Message  

At the austin 7 meet their were 51 classic 's entered and ran over 3 races for class of bike and 52 post-classic entered and ran over1 (one) race thiming was a non goger? i even heard one rider say that he was on the 2nd row and he was actually laped! when another rider who had finished all of sat. better than 10th was put down an row 5? and then the last 3 races were cancled by who!! i did not hear of any riders meeting about this!the main thing is if this is the way race meeting a run in Vicwhy would post-classic rider put up with 2 rate races for them(p-c). yes mony is a big thing when you have kids a misses and house payments to which you are commited.and you dont get the chance to ride all you races you have entered for,are we all becomming like Troy Corser!!and carnt ride in the wet? allan greening

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Former Member

63 Posts

Posted - 11 Jun 2001 :  10:50:40 AM  

At the SA titles we run with the P b5 bikes in all races except the championship race.
Good fun dicing with GSX 1100, Z 1000 and the Laverda Jota. However if you think that putting the big bore Hondas in the same class as the P5 is going to help build the fields for P4 you are sadly mistaken.
Anyhow if Peter Guest (yes I know he is a top rider) can beat Rex Wolfendons Big Bore Honda on the Lucas Vincent why cant you guys get your Nortons or Triumphs going a bit quicker. Ask Des Matthews (BSA Triple) for some tips cause his bike isnt slow.

Now for the Austin 7. Craig Beswick finished 9th or 10th at the 2000 Southern Classic so the HMRAV in their wisdom put him on the front row.
Eric Giggens who has finished 3rd twicw was put on the 5th row!
Then when he finished 5th on the Sat they put him a the back of the field.
These are only 2 of numerous incidents.
No wonder not many people have faith in the HMRAV.

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Posted - 11 Jun 2001 :  8:12:09 PM  Show Profile Send acotrel a Private Message  

I don't think the problem of competing with the big bore Honda's is a matter of getting Triumphs and Nortons going faster. It's a matter of reliability. You can get your Norton to go as fast as the Hondas by upping capacity to 920cc, good cams, compression etc. but you'll build a hand grenade. Alternatively you could build a V-twin based on JAP crankcases, harley crank and Jawa cylinders, but why spend that sort of money when the racing is second rate. It would be easier to build a good 'green meanie'. what I am saying is that the old s***t shouldn't be wasted in attempts to go that fast. Better to use it in a 750 class where it would last for a few more races. Another thing, I saw Arthur Pimm, Eric Debenham, Bill Pound and Peter Guest ride Vincents in Norton frames. It's not a cheap way to go racing, and you've got to have bigger appendages than I've got to ride one on full scream.

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Former Member

63 Posts

Posted - 11 Jun 2001 :  11:22:21 PM  

Its good to see someone with the knowhow to get the British bikes to run fast. Hand Grengade? Most races are 4 lap events. We(Yes I run a big bore Honda) still change the oil every meeting to keep some sembalance of reliabilty.
Oh in my last post I forgot to mention Greg Johnson on the BMW, Steve Dent on Neville Lushs Kawa 750, Ken Watson on the SFC 750 Laverda (Ran at Oran Park last year)being ultra competative. ie winning races against the big bore Hondas.

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Posted - 12 Jun 2001 :  1:22:00 PM  Show Profile Send acotrel a Private Message  

Greg Johnson competed internationally, and used to ride Jack Walters TZ750 in A grade races for many years. You're kidding yourself if you think you'll beat him on just about anything of equal speed, and Gyro's BMW is no slouch. The Neville Lush H2's don't seem to go anywhere near as fast as the 'Green Meanies' used to, but I think using two strkes to beat the big bore Hondas is not the way to go. The SFC Laverda is the best of the three options you listed, but where do you get one. The Seeley I race had a 750SF with S6 cam etc, before I got it. The motor went to John Bennett for porting and was never returned. If anyone knows of a cheap SF1,2 or 3 Laverda, I'd like to know about it. They're bullet proof. Jim Eade raced an SFC in 1972 at Phillip Island and beat Steve Chiodos boys on their Z900's. It was stock, out of the crate.

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Former Member

63 Posts

Posted - 12 Jun 2001 :  10:22:36 PM  

I know I would kidding myself if I thought I could beat Johno. The closet I get to him is when were standing at a bar having a beer.
As for your observation of Gyros bike being no slouch. Thats my point you can have other makes of bikes running fast.
As for Laverdas my brother bought a new SF 750 in 1976 then I had the bike from 1988 to 1995 then sold it for $4,500.00.
Great bike, handled and went OK also had a Triumph Bonneville for 15 years another fun bike.

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Posted - 13 Jun 2001 :  09:15:25 AM  Show Profile Send acotrel a Private Message  

There was an SF3 Laverda in the Just Bikes recently for $5000, but it was too good to make a racer from. The difference between an SF3 and an SFC is the camshaft, a bit of fibreglass and the exhaust. I understand there is someone in Melbourne who has collected abot a dozen SF, Jota etc. so it's unlikely that we'll find to many lying in backyards etc. I'd really like to find a Laverda twin somewhere, I think they can be made to go really fast. The bottom end has five bearings, my Norton scares me as to what it's doing in that department.

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