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2147 Posts |
Posted - 21 Aug 2004 : 9:10:03 PM
John, I suggest there should be an Australian Motorcycling Calendar maintained by MA on the web. They are the experts who control when meetings are held. They are supposed to ensure that there is minimal conflict of interests. After all what do we pay licence fees for? |
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2147 Posts |
Posted - 21 Aug 2004 : 9:18:12 PM
Does Motorcycling Australia maintain a calendar of events on the web? Aren't they the organisation which 'authorises' when events may be held? Aren't they the people who are supposed to ensure that losses through clash of dates are minimised? Is this new-fangled computer technology too much for them ? I don't see why David or anyone else besides MA, should take on the task of organising motorcycling Australia-wide! |
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3130 Posts |
Posted - 22 Aug 2004 : 08:20:46 AM
Alan, MA is not paid to organise dates and they are NOT the experts who control when meetings are held. There is nothing in their constitution about being responsible for conflicts of interest. You have tried a cheap shot with this porky. The State controlling bodies, in Vics case MV issue the permits on behalf of MA. In Vic and NSW each discipline has a Management COmmittee. That Man.Committee approves Supp regs and consequently dates. It would be chaos with MA approving dates because ther are thousands of permits issued easch year across all disciplines. Currently it takes a day or so because most Man. Committees are aware of what is going on, in SA they do not have a man. committee and so MSA itself should do the approval. Clashing dates happen because promoting clubs do not ask around properly. If the club secretary just sits on his chair and does not talk to other promoting clubs we get the clashes we have today. The Mt Gambier club was aware of the S/Classic as a meeting, they just did not check with anybody as to what exact date it was on. This is fact because I have spoken with them in the last few days. Nobody has asked you or David to manage the whole of Australia, you are usurping the roles of competent secretaries. But whilst on the subject, YOUR CAR CLUB cant talk! THEY CHOSE NOV 6/7 FOR THE NATIONAL TITLES, right on top of a major meeting in Victoria. HARTWELL HAS HAD "THE STARS OF TOMMORROW" ON THAT WEEKEND AT PHILLIP ISLAND SINCE THE START OF WRITTEN HISTORY. Why did the Benalla Auto club pick that date themselves? Everybody else knows not to pick that weekend because many Historics and modern blokes cross over on that weekend.
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter." |
Edited by - john on 22 Aug 2004 11:37:02 AM |
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2147 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2004 : 04:22:44 AM
I would say that date was chosen because by the time the club was approached to run the meeting, it was probably the only weekend the circuit was still unbooked. Actually it's a good time of year to hold it, however it might be a bit hot. Incidently, when I'm talking to MA, am I talking to the 'controlling body'? (or is that now Workcover?) I suggest there seems to be a lack of definition between the areas controlled by MA and the state bodies. |
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3130 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2004 : 08:22:12 AM
Al, maybe we should get off your back about the dates, and let the people who made the decision to come out and justify why they ignored possibly the biggest Road Race meeting. From my understanding gained by sitting on chairs at MV and MA meetings is as I have previously explained. Its all in the GCRs. People can harp on about it should be ... etc but it aint. Motorcycling really operates within states [LCB's] acting autonomously and there is an overall body MA which coordinates national functions and represents Australia Internationally. MA replaced the Auto Cycle Union which goes back to 1927 or thereabouts. |
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter." |
Edited by - john on 23 Aug 2004 08:23:38 AM |
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2147 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2004 : 08:25:25 AM
John, re International Post Classic. I was wondering how late model the Team Glam bikes are? I was talking to Wally Campbell a while back and he mentioned Period 6. Apparently he has one of the old Honda Team superbikes which he wants to race. I believe its a VF750. Might be worth lining him up to race against International Post Classic at Phillip Island? Also I believe Robby Phillis is back in Victoria, and one of his mates has an Ex-Croz Moriwaki Kawasaki. The two of them together (Phillis and Campbell)would make a very good drawcard for the meeting. |
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3130 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2004 : 1:46:36 PM
Al, the supp regs are still on the printing press. It is my understanding that the cut off date is 1980 for aussie bikes and the relevant cut off dates for NZ and the UK I cannot recall. But the plan is that each country sticks by their own rules. There is no provision for an Aussie on a pommy bike. As for Period 6, the interest seems to be at the same level as the Aussie 500 single solo class, no action on the ground. MA ommissioners have previously advised it will be some time before it is evne considered. But go to your club and make a submission. |
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter." |
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2147 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2004 : 5:26:35 PM
Seems a pity not to involve 'name riders' in historic racing while they're still young enough to make their mark. Robbie Phillis commented that he wouldn't be interested in anything earlier than Period 5, and the Moriwaki would probably get into that. Mal Campbell's bike is probably 1983 so we are going to miss out on seeing probably the best ever early superbike rider in our races. |
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3130 Posts |
Posted - 24 Aug 2004 : 08:26:18 AM
Personall opinion coming up here. I dont see it as a pity I see it as a blessing. What I dont understand is that the rules of racing Historics have been in the GCR's since the start of mankind. Why do these Primadonnas want special consideration for themselves.Many others happiliy ride within the structure and have been maintaining it. If Phyllis does not want to ride anything old he should join Hartwell and go to a club day. When will we start getting complaints from Valintino Rossi about not having 2003 MotoGp bikes at Historic Winton. These clowns can go racing, they just need to pick a meeting that suits them or get the rules changed through the normal route to suit themselves and join us, rather than puff the chests out with " I wont ride old bikes". We may not need them and they obviously dont want us.
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter." |
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2147 Posts |
Posted - 24 Aug 2004 : 6:14:24 PM
Might I make a suggestion - it's worth thinking about what would pull a crowd to a historic motorcycle meeting? What do the paying public want to see? I suggest that while we are looking for advantage in our racing, we might actually be doing some damage. For example, when we change the manx frames to 26 degree head angle and fit billet fork yokes, which make it handle like a Suzuki, we're losing the plot. We might as well start modifying an R1. Guys like Phillis and Campbell can only help our sport by appearing on original historic bikes. I know some of the guys might feel uneasy about fronting a grid with them, however a win against them means you've really done something in your life. Wally Campbell is riding Brook Henry's Duke at Winton in November (period 4 Unlimited), whoever finishes in front of him is a hero, in my opinion!! Have a go, guys!! |
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3130 Posts |
Posted - 24 Aug 2004 : 11:09:58 PM
Phillis and Campbell would be as welcome as anybody else if they accept the conditions that everybody else does.Perhaps we should move the topic of what do people want to see to another topic, we seem to have wrecked this one. |
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter." |
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2147 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2004 : 6:44:26 PM
John, Sorry about wrecking the topic. I believe it would be immaculate to see Team Glam face Australian riders of the calibre and on machines that actually raced 'in the era'. Rex and Stuart will probably hose them off anyway! |
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