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Honda CB350 Racers Promotion - Moderator

288 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2004 : 09:49:47 AM
Hi all,
Man, I'm starting to feel like I'm the only one with questions!!
OK, I was looking at buying some slicks from Fester for my CB350, but have just read in the rule book that slicks are not legal for any periods but period 5. Is this the case or am I reading it incorrectly? Also, the rules seem a bit vague in regard to 'racing tyres'. Surely you can use modern racing compound all weather tyres? Any recomendations before I waste money on the wrong kind?
Cheers and Thanks,
Try Everything |
Forum Moderator

3130 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2004 : 12:37:54 PM
I have obtained this answer from the Historic Management Committees; Slicks are only allowed for Period 5 That also includes 'cut slicks' and racing wets So by default that would mean you can't use those in anything other than period 5. While that may appear a little vauge in relation to 'all weather' racing compounds, some common sense must be used. A fully treaded road(as produced for sale and not a grooved slick or a lightly treaded racing wet) tyre is all that is legal for all other periods.
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter." |
Level 2 Member

86 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2004 : 8:29:01 PM
Hi Ben If you are buying slicks What size are they??? I always throught they were too large for the CB350 What is too big a rim size ?? WM4.5 is that the limit for P4 & suitable tyre size would be around the 150/ 18 I always throught some of the wheels/rims down south were larger than we can run up here in QLD what gives??? I've seen it every time I go down south some people pushing the rules!! It seems who you know if you get passed, Last time I was down at the Island a certain Harley D. 2 smoke was passed as a Period 4, & he left his log book at home!! It's OK we know him, go & race It always seems there are different rules for different states. Ben what I'm saying what get passed in one state maybe it not right in another state. I believe that Bikes should look period, Steve |
Level 2 Member
Western Australia

187 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2004 : 8:53:40 PM
If the tyres are marked "for competition use only" or "not for road use" there is a good chance you will not be allowed to run them, good tyres for the 350 would be Avons, I think Dunlop still do the TT100 range which wouldn't be too bad either, if you need slicks or racing compounds it may pay to invest heavily in a lot of practice time on period style tyres and really come to grips with the bike, I grew up on bikes with TT100 dunlop tyres and Avon roadrunners and can't see a problem with racing a 40 HP 120kg bike on them, that style of tyre is still out there but the rubber compounds are a heap better. A few of my friends in P5 are on "Hidenau" tyres which are period treaded and very sticky, I will check and see if they are allowable for P4. |
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we may as well dance |
Level 2 Member

86 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2004 : 9:16:24 PM
TT100s are still avaiable. TT100 GP compounds are better, & the newish TT900s are great every one I put 900s tyres on gain 4 seconds & are the same price as road tyres, the Avon race tyres are great but twice the price, if running standard rims a 90/90-18 front & 100/90-18 would be good maybe even 80/90-18 TT100gp front 350 - 18 rear would give you everything you need cheap as chips!! the Avons are good but as before not cheap, as one of the good racers up this way says " If your not either winning or falling off it doesn't warrant the extra expense!! Steve Qld |
matcho mick
Advanced Member
New South Wales

570 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jun 2004 : 12:18:49 AM
Benny Benny Benny!,jeezas slicks,not nearly enough horses to run them mate?,just buy a set of Bridgestones,cheap as chips,good softish compounds,90/90 front BT45's battleaxe,duh!!, can't remember whats on the back?,100/80 i think,rim sizes 1.85 (wm 2) front.2.15 rear(wm 3),no need to go any bigger than wm 3's,(which i think you can't any way?)unless it's std equipment?,cheers ,Mick |
Forum Moderator

3130 Posts |
Posted - 08 Jun 2004 : 11:17:00 AM
Steve I followed up your claim about a log book having been left at home, since I was a scrutineer that weekend. This is the responce I recieved, "Sorry about not getting back to you earlier but the guy who sent that to you doesnt understand the current situation regarding Log Books and the bike in question, I dont know why people won`t put names to their protestations at a race meeting. That is not the issue though, the bike has been issued with a Log Book and the only way to resolve whetehr it should have been is to protest the machine at a major event so the air can be cleared. If anybody has thoughts about a bike being a very contentious bike and have reservations about its eligibility, lodge a protest. Talking around web sites is not the way to resolve anything, we all need to be up front and be prepared to stand up and be counted or the whole thing will self destruct" |
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter." |
Site Administrator

999 Posts |
Posted - 08 Jun 2004 : 11:59:52 AM
It would be nice to know who stated this as I thought that the web did get people to be up front, stand up and be counted as it was showning a wider group of what is going on.quote: Originally posted by john
Talking around web sites is not the way to resolve anything, we all need to be up front and be prepared to stand up and be counted or the whole thing will self destruct"
That was the purpose of this site, to bring things up and get things noticed. So I would have to say that your source is not "in touch with the community".
They keep telling us to use the web, yet someone is saying not to use it.
I must say to Ben, sorry for my out burst on that reply and going off topic, but I feel someone needed to say it, publicly. 
David Webmaster & Owner of Classic Motorcycling Australia
Quote: I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted to be paid. |
Former Member

48 Posts |
Posted - 08 Jun 2004 : 7:34:32 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought if you left your log book at home then you didn't get to ride. |
Forum Moderator

3130 Posts |
Posted - 08 Jun 2004 : 10:22:20 PM
That is right. Nobody got a ride without a log book at the Island Classic in 2004. If any body felt that was the case the GCR's provides for a protest to be lodged at the track with the Steward on the spot for immeadiate action. It sounds tough, but thats how it has been done for many years. Same with the a dispute about the issuing of a log book, protest on the day and it will become a public matter of discussion and a result will come out of it. Letters to clubs MV, MA etc are not as strong as a protest at the track. |
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter." |
Level 2 Member

86 Posts |
Posted - 14 Jun 2004 : 7:34:14 PM
Hi All John & John etc, I should have mentioned that it wasn't 2004!! "I said last time I went to PI" & the Log Book's were just coming in or came in!! all I know I needed mine before I left to go dowm there & the Log book arrived 2 days before I left, so I throught the bike scrutineers would be checking books with the comments no book no ride!! it wasn't the case what I experience!! it's not sour grapes on my behalf!! I always throught it was up to the scrutineers to check the bikes out to see if it matched up to the book!! I missed my 1st practice session because this bike was in front of me going into the checking sheds I saw & heard everything that happened!! all I wanted to get my bike through & go racing!! but as it unfolded in front of me!! I have not attended since!! I still think that racing bikes should look like period racing bikes!! I've not attended since than because of the "distance & money matters on my behalf" not because of any riders, bikes, scrutineers or Phillip Island organizers in any shape or form, I would race there if time & money were more plentyful in my case. Steve Qld |
matcho mick
Advanced Member
New South Wales

570 Posts |
Posted - 14 Jun 2004 : 10:12:32 PM
i was at that meeting too,in the longish que for scrutineering,most guys did not know what a log book was,(or had even heard of one!),i heard later they were fining those without $30?,but still allowed to race,silly me thought the book was only for period 3(at the time),when asked if i had my log book,i stated yes,(it was at home for my period 3,not the period 4 i was sitting on),just "lucky" i guess?,i think it just took a bit to sort out initially at that PI meeting as it was the 1st for log books,it was a bit of a holdup,understandable at the time i thought?  |
Level 1 Member

5 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 09:23:59 AM
in qld we run in class4 on ahonda cb750 we use dunlop kr164 on the rear and kr124 on the front we also run in class5 on a tt500 yamaha and weuse dunlop tt900s on that and find them very good i hope this helps you |
wayne nolan |
Level 2 Member
Western Australia

187 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 8:11:35 PM
I've got a cure for the long scrutineering queues, everybody get a level one officials course under their belt, get in early for scrutineering, once you are through volunteer to assist and get everyone else through quicker. Can't see a problem with that as long as there are a couple of senior officials to supervise. Because of a lack of volunteer officials at our track that is how I am going to have to run my race days, it may be a bit hectic but at least spreads the load. |
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we may as well dance |
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