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2147 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2012 : 05:57:49 AM
Jerry, I've only seen one really decent commando based bike in recent times. It was at the Bonanza this year. I've never seen it race, nor have I seen the three Rob North triple BSAs (also there), racing. After my efforts at Winton on saturday, I'm now convinced I will have to ride at the next Austin 7 meeting. After I've sorted the new gearbox, I should be able to get decent starts. Last time I rode in a period 4 race, I couldn't get the bike off the line. The box was 4 speed CR, and first was way too high, but it had to be because the bike was perfect everywhere else. In one race I got the poor start, and still turned under the leaders at turn two, popped a fuel line, and stopped. It is worth having another go. When I was a kid 'back in the era' we had push starts, and I could always blitz them off the line. These days I'm too old for that pushing bullsh1t and I'm grateful for the clutch start, but if you only have the old style CR box, it presents a problem. I believe I have fixed that. |
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Level 2 Member
South Australia

68 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2012 : 06:24:41 AM
Alan, Firstly a big CONGRATULATIONS from all of us for being on the track. Go and concentrate on what you are doing and get the best out of what you have. You will get a hell of a lot more satisfaction out of DOING that than worrying about others. At least you are DOING what others should be. GOOD on you and enjoy the ride and go and have many more. Life is too short as it is. All the best Jerry |
Jerry |
Level 1 Member


2 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2012 : 7:48:12 PM
Well done Alan |
Level 1 Member

19 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2012 : 9:55:17 PM
Hi Alan cool for doing the austin meeting. I remember watching my dads helmet come off after a car dumped heaps of oil and cracked his skull in a few places. He is as normal or not normal as he ever was now but I cant bring myself to do that meeting after seeing that and now have my own kids. The period 4 this year was won by a 650 yam if I read results properly and I have seen some bikes come out I never thought would win unlimited p4 eg. Bmw, a Ducati (which everyone says handles great bit I am waiting for someone to give me one to race) and now the Yam. I think built right a norton could kill the p4'S I have seen as it would have such a weight advantage. I have reread some of the unit triumph no better stuff and have these reasons I would rather run one(except I have a preunit and no money). I cant RH shift being born 73 maybe or jumping from class to class and bike to bike I really struggle to adapt quickly.I have tried lots of rods linkages etc but they are never very good. A unit can easy run LH shift. A unit has better everything really and doesnt rip the box out of the plates which my pre unit has done before. Units were a lot better than pre units although not enough changed to save triumph, they lasted a lot of years and had a lot of things fixed that were really **** on a pre unit, they sort of were the last remaining british bike. I have alloy nikasil barrel and lots of other bits that people used in the later years of the unit to make a good twin and a lot was good stuff, all siting under my bench, which is probably a waste but anyway. I still feel units can run against other p4 bikes competitively if the class was made a bit friendlier to lower budget bikes but within p4. I think a lot of the bikes people build or already have would look more like a 72 race bike than the current wining bikes. I would like to see your bike and have a chat if you get to the southern classic and would like you to have a look at my bike, it is unchanged from 10 or more years ago and I think looks pretty p4(except the dash) but it is a 2 stroke so dont crusify me too much for that .I wont have the triumph there and still wonder if there is any point getting a log book for it. I would like to see alan back but 10 stud head is all I could allow really to fit in the class and it would still go good.All the best Link . |
Advanced Member

2147 Posts |
Posted - 28 Aug 2012 : 2:01:53 PM
Link, with the wonders of modern technology, I can at least show you a photo:

Jerry please find me some Ducati 900s to race against ! I've got zero interest in two strokes and superbikes. It actually matters to me what is on the grid beside me. When I was a kid I had 12 years of Allpowers C Grade - enough is enough !
I'm off now to fight with the chains and sprockets again.
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Edited by - acotrel on 28 Aug 2012 3:17:03 PM |
Advanced Member

2147 Posts |
Posted - 28 Aug 2012 : 2:23:12 PM
Link, this bit of video was taken in 1984. It was the only occasion that Russell King ran his Triumph in an historic race. He let Curley ride it. He still has it, a featherbed 650, motor based on developing torque - has never been revved over 6,300 rpm. It would take a really good unit Triumph to beat it. I rode it at Calder years ago and blew off a good H2 fitted with chambers.
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He is an ugly beggar:
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Edited by - acotrel on 28 Aug 2012 2:29:54 PM |
Advanced Member

2147 Posts |
Posted - 28 Aug 2012 : 3:09:31 PM
Link, We have all raced with little money. The easy way to compete with the good triumphs is to use an A10 BSA frame with unit Triumph fork yokes. Make your own engine plates and get the motor as far forward as possible. You still have to find a brake and a five speed box, but the frame shouldn't be very expensive. I saw one in Wangaratta about 5 years ago for $300. If you can find a Jawa two valve engine, that would be a better way to go. Old British bikes are designed to drive us insane. At least you would be starting with a racing motor. |
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Level 2 Member
South Australia

68 Posts |
Posted - 28 Aug 2012 : 4:08:51 PM
alan, Nice bike. Personally I dont give a damn if we are racing 2 strokes. I just run 4 strokes. All the best Jerry |
Jerry |
Advanced Member

2147 Posts |
Posted - 29 Aug 2012 : 07:02:07 AM
Jerry, let's be realistic. If we were to race for sheep stations, a good two stroke on alcohol is always the way to go. I built a fast one years ago, but it wasn't what I wanted to ride. I've just sold of a really good TZ350g to buy the gearbox for the Seeley. I would have had to run it in period 5 with the superbikes - silly stuff ! I would have loved to have ridden it in a two stroke race against all the others we now have racing. A period 4 two stroke on methanol would be as quick as it, and most of the period 6 two strokes were 250s. My Norton could not live with a well prepared period 6 250 two stroke with someone good on it. - Why would you run the race ? - Hope the opposition have seizures ? I made the decision to race the bike I love to ride, but the mixed grid sh1ts me. Jason and his mates want to run period 6 superbikes - why not run them off a superbike grid with Superbikes of all periods together? It couldn't be any sillier than it is right now. There would be minor disadvantages due to tyre sizes, but at least our races would look and sound right, and they'd probably pull a crowd to meetings. |
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Advanced Member

2147 Posts |
Posted - 29 Aug 2012 : 07:14:51 AM
Jerry, One really good thing - at least I'm a bit enthused again. If the Thunderbike class happens, I will love it. As you get older the hardest thing is to keep the urge going. I've only ever raced in historic races a few times, and like some others I could mention, I have never been inspired by it. In about 1973, blokes like myself with old four strokes used to race in Allpowers C grade against Z900s RD350s and H1 and H2 kawasakis - the racing was bearable but still silly. What I really want to do before I die is race against the air cooled ducatis and any other old two valve four strokes - no two strokes or superbikes involved. We would have a ball. |
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Edited by - acotrel on 29 Aug 2012 07:16:47 AM |
Level 2 Member
South Australia

68 Posts |
Posted - 29 Aug 2012 : 07:34:51 AM
Alan, You and I are both old enough to realise that we live in a far from perfect world. Some of the stuff that goes on absolutely beggers belief. Believe me that I am not happy with quite a few aspects of our time on the tracks. For me personally I enjoy a ride day or test day a hell of a lot more than a major meeting regardless of results. Stay enthused, enjoy the moment and when your the time comes dont have regrets about "if only" All the best Jerry Kooistra |
Jerry |
keith campbell
Level 3 Member

248 Posts |
Posted - 29 Aug 2012 : 5:23:57 PM
why do i have to scroll sideways to read the text nowadays??? i dunno..... Get out there Alan, seeya at Broadford with a big smile onya dial. Cheers, Keith. |
Level 3 Member

314 Posts |
Posted - 29 Aug 2012 : 7:03:16 PM
quote: Originally posted by Jerry
I just run 4 strokes. All the best Jerry
Very nice and they do so test the noise meters. I found it was better to turn the meter off!
Well done Alan, you must have had an enjoyable day. |
Advanced Member

2147 Posts |
Posted - 30 Aug 2012 : 02:52:36 AM
I will see you at Winton, Keith - not Broadford. I'd be happier back at Mount Gambier on the non-skid that used to be there. I think the Seeley still has a few handling tricks waiting to grab me, and there is a lot of variety at Broadford. The bike self-steers through corners a lot, in the right direction under power, and it doesn't hang about. |
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2147 Posts |
Posted - 30 Aug 2012 : 03:15:25 AM
Patrick, a lot of the two stroke noise is due to the way the guys have ported the barrel. If the top edge of the exhaust is really flat with no angle upward towards the plug, the motor will always give a sharp crack on every stroke. The bike doesn't go any faster for it, and it is very irritating. It is possible for two strokes to be fairly quiet. I really like two strokes, they can be cheap and fast, and handle will. But I know they are not what I want to ride, even though they can give excellent racing. My other bike is a two stroke, but I've lost enthusiasm for it for the present. I will complete it one day. 600cc, TZ750 porting, Egli frame :
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Edited by - acotrel on 30 Aug 2012 03:18:31 AM |
john feakes
Advanced Member

791 Posts |
Posted - 30 Aug 2012 : 08:29:05 AM
[quote]Originally posted by keith campbell
why do i have to scroll sideways to read the text nowadays??? i dunno.....
Keith, I'm with you. I think it may have a hangover. See you at Broadford. |
A wise person simplifies the complicated, a fool complicates the simple. |
Level 1 Member

19 Posts |
Posted - 01 Sep 2012 : 12:19:55 AM
Hi Alan I like the norton but it doesnt look at all like the p3 photo you had earlier. I see there is thunderbike listed with over 500 p3 for the southern clasic. I will reserve my judgement until after the meeting and see how its run but your bike should run well against p4 unlimiteds and be really competetive. If other thunder bikes are similar I cant see why any of you guys would want to run in p3 with these bikes. I guess if thunderbikes are in p3 there are twice as many races and twice the practices of all other competitors as you could run p4 unlimited then p3 also in thunderbike. I hope there is a staggered start or something as I would hate to see the p3 class guys not able to race each other due to thunderbikes getting between them, see how it all goes. Link |
john feakes
Advanced Member

791 Posts |
Posted - 01 Sep 2012 : 08:43:04 AM
Link, I have just checked the HMRAV site. Thunderbikes are actually listed with P4, not P3. A clear statement of what Thunderbikes actually are would be helpful. |
A wise person simplifies the complicated, a fool complicates the simple. |
Advanced Member

2147 Posts |
Posted - 01 Sep 2012 : 08:44:57 AM
Link, I don't want to run in period anything. The best option for me would be to run the Thunderbike Class as period 6 with fast and slow heats, - and permit thunderbikes of the suggested specification from the other periods to run if they choose. In fact I'm not even fussed if the guys run non-logbooked bikes, - tyre sizes, suspension and even fuel used would be largely irrelevant. What this topic is about is running unit Triumphs along with the pre-unit stuff in Period 3. And my feeling is that it should have been happening right from the beginning back in October 1973 |
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Site Moderator

599 Posts |
Posted - 01 Sep 2012 : 10:42:03 AM
re scaning sidewards fer reading text.. it seams that when large photo's r down loaded this causes the page to go side wards.. 2 fixes r possible Al either down loads pic in the correct way or David inserts software to correct photo's to correct size es mode!! which will be done soon.. |
Allan Greening |
Site Administrator

999 Posts |
Posted - 02 Sep 2012 : 09:13:13 AM
Inserted the software to correct the images so it reduces them in the topics, but you can click on the images to see the full size in a new window. It was there before, but must of over-written the code earlier.. |
David Webmaster & Owner of Classic Motorcycling Australia
Quote: I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted to be paid. |
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2147 Posts |
Posted - 03 Sep 2012 : 06:38:22 AM
What is the 'correct way' to put pics up on this forum ? All I ever do is upload the pic to Photobucket, get the picture up full size then copy the image link, and paste that to the forum. I can't think what I could do differently. - How would you like me to do it ? I don't think that is the problem, it probably has something to do with the format you selected for the text when you set the forum up. Are you running HTML enabled ? |
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2147 Posts |
Posted - 03 Sep 2012 : 06:42:10 AM
I seem to remember that a while back I was getting the same problem as Keith, with the text not being limited to the page. The problem seems to have disappeared and the text is always OK on my computer these days. I don't think anything that I did corrected that problem, and I suspect I didn't cause it for others by uploading pics. |
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Site Administrator

999 Posts |
Posted - 03 Sep 2012 : 07:07:46 AM
It is not you Alan C, it is the images were causing the text to scroll right across which is in the forum code, this has now been fixed as I said earlier..
Now all can get back on topic. |
David Webmaster & Owner of Classic Motorcycling Australia
Quote: I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted to be paid. |
john feakes
Advanced Member

791 Posts |
Posted - 03 Sep 2012 : 07:41:48 AM
The message panel, which I am typing this in, is wider than my screen. I think we need to shorten our sentences rather than just keep typing away until we run out of space on the right. |
A wise person simplifies the complicated, a fool complicates the simple. |
Edited by - john feakes on 03 Sep 2012 07:43:10 AM |
keith campbell
Level 3 Member

248 Posts |
Posted - 03 Sep 2012 : 2:57:04 PM
Thanks for correcting the page. :) |
Advanced Member

2147 Posts |
Posted - 03 Sep 2012 : 11:06:57 PM
I think it would be easy to build a really good fast bike out of a unit Triumph. Find a Rickman/Weslake head. Make a 75mm stroke billet crank, and use the 750 bore with decent cams and exhaust. It would rev to 10,000 and never drop a valve. And the head would deliver to its full potential. It would be a move away from featherbed frames, but it would limit us to five speed gear boxes. |
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Level 2 Member
South Australia

68 Posts |
Posted - 04 Sep 2012 : 07:05:32 AM
And run it in P3? All the best Jerry |
Jerry |
john feakes
Advanced Member

791 Posts |
Posted - 04 Sep 2012 : 07:07:19 AM
I've still got a hangover! Have you? |
A wise person simplifies the complicated, a fool complicates the simple. |
Level 2 Member
South Australia

68 Posts |
Posted - 04 Sep 2012 : 07:35:12 AM
Hi John, I think a new way of going racing could be that you build a bike and then re organize the Rule Book to suit. It has possibilities. We could end up with a 4 valve Rickman unit Triumph engine running on Nitro in a Harris Moto GP rolling chassis. Never mind it is only a fantasy. All the best Jerry |
Jerry |
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