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Level 1 Member

Western Australia

3 Posts |
Posted - 07 Jan 2013 : 11:49:14 PM
Hi All, New member here looking for a bit of advice. I'm in the market for an old bike. I have the opportunity to buy a 1939/1940 BSA M20 with a 1952 B33 engine. It's got girder forks which have recently been re-bushed, and a hardtail. The bodywork is ok, front fender in crumpled at the front, there is a ding on the tank, various bits of paint missing all round, and the chain is rubbing on the fender. The paint is not original. Engine looks nice although the the bolts on the transmission side cover are all different, the tickler is squirting out fuel if the fuel is on, and the wiring is a bit of a mess. It's missing the battery, battery strap, speedo and cable and some wiring and bolts here and there. It's obviously not running. It isn't licensed. The guy says it was running three months ago, wants $5000 but will take $4000 for it. I'm not really sure if that's good or not. I'm looking for a bit of a project, not necessarily to be a concourse example or to be 100% period correct, but just something nice and old.
Pros that I can see: - I love the frame style and I love the engine, even though they are not off the same bike. - It's a good project. - I can (just) afford it.
Cons: - Its a bit of a bitser. - Bodywork is not amazing. It's not 'original condition' just 'beat up' - I don't know if it's worth 4k
Does anyone have any advice? What do you think it's worth?
Thanks in advance,
Edited by - Howley on 09 Jan 2013 8:06:31 PM |
Level 3 Member

224 Posts |
Posted - 08 Jan 2013 : 08:44:34 AM
Probably not what you want to hear Luke, but walk away from it mate! If it is a bitza, not running, and in rough to poor condition, then it is not worth even $4000. He's after $5K but will take $4K, a big drop in price! It ran some time back but not now, yeah sure! Offer him $2K and see what he says? Remember, you have to spend a lot more on it to get running, let alone up to rideable standard. Keep looking, they are out there, in better knick and for better prices than this one. Cheers, Tony. |
Level 1 Member

Western Australia

3 Posts |
Posted - 08 Jan 2013 : 6:19:17 PM
Here are a couple of pics. Part of my problem is I don't know what's good and what's bad for a bike this age. What do you think?

Level 3 Member

224 Posts |
Posted - 10 Jan 2013 : 11:28:58 AM
It does look a bit better than I imagined Luke! I'd still suggest, as its a bitza, that you start your offer low, i.e. $2 - $3K. I have recently sold a 1946 B33, in pieces for $2200, but it was complete, original, and all of the engine work had been done. It also went with a heap of original spares.Cheers, Tony. |
Level 1 Member

Western Australia

3 Posts |
Posted - 10 Jan 2013 : 12:29:21 PM
Thanks for your advice mate. What's the most you would say its worth? Is 4k too much? Where does one go to find bikes like this for sale? This was on gumtree, but there's not much there. |
Level 3 Member

224 Posts |
Posted - 10 Jan 2013 : 2:27:23 PM
4K is the top end as far as I am concerned. Probably 3k is top dollar.The bike is not that uncommon, and it has a later motor in it which reduces ts value. Have a look on EBay and perhaps specify your search to BSA, Triumph, Norton, etc? You'll also get a good idea of parts availability and cost. Good Luck. Tony. |
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