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T O P I C    R E V I E W
john Posted - 12 Dec 2013 : 9:40:06 PM
Dont forget about the HMRAV Classic Sidecar Challenge that takes place between QLd, Vic and others.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
john Posted - 23 Nov 2017 : 10:39:39 PM
What is the story of the trophies, maybe HMRAV would look at it if the story can be told?
Historic Posted - 23 Jan 2014 : 09:30:26 AM
G'day Scotty,
Not sure about the Rob Roy trophy, that one doesn't ring a bell.
The Bob Jarvis was awarded at HRR meetings in NSW. The last winner was Tommy Browne and Glen Rolfe on the panhead.
Not 100% sure but I think it was lost in the fire at Tom's dealership a few years before he passed away.
At present the HRR isn't promoting (live in hope that may change)so it's another trophy that is probably gone into the history books.
Who knows if the HRR does promote again it could be reserected if the original is lost.
scotty Posted - 23 Jan 2014 : 08:24:47 AM
hi john,been away from the sport for a long time & wondering does anyone know what happened to the bob jarvis sidecar trophy?it was a great comp.that ran a points system for the year & rewarded consistency.there was another called the rob roy trophy,can't remember what that was for ,but it's also disappeared.[won them both a few times]

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