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 Historic Winton 2011

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
john Posted - 04 Mar 2011 : 5:13:15 PM
Fellas we are planning the event. I am confident everybody loved the new sheds in 2010.
Supp regs are not ready yet but I will advise when they are.
A new thing thsi year will be a "Meet and Greet" at the track, opposite the bikes at about 5-6pm on the Sat. We have been invited. Can this go in our covering letter please. This is coming as a result of discussions about making sure people realise the bikes are in integral part of the event.

Too often in the past there have been low lifes who kept promoting the idea the bikes were not wanted at the event.
This is not true as witnessed in resent times when the Austin 7 committee have come down and spoken with the riders.
Thsi activity is an extension of that proof. It is hoped it opens up talk between riders and drivers and adds an extra bit of niceness to the event.

16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
conker Posted - 10 Mar 2011 : 4:38:00 PM
Winton track licence has been updated with 'traffic density' requirement. You need to check with MV for max grid numbers.
john Posted - 09 Mar 2011 : 4:10:32 PM
vision was missing but it sounded good.
conker Posted - 09 Mar 2011 : 3:39:10 PM
Just a memory jogger so you don't lose your way! :
john Posted - 08 Mar 2011 : 11:32:04 AM
Jason I dont have records on me at the moment, but I remember we were hoping double entries, IE one rider two bikes and bad luck would get us down to grid numbers. I dont think the grid is 50, I am sure iot is about 35 now.
I shall check
JasonL Posted - 08 Mar 2011 : 11:21:45 AM

Ok Conker, fastest 50 then!!

A question: of the existing program and classes for this meeting, what are the expected grid numbers - ie: will every heat (regardless of composition) be full or nearly full??
john feakes Posted - 08 Mar 2011 : 10:34:36 AM
I'm going to start a new subject in General Discussion to try to get some different thinking started.
Please join me.
conker Posted - 08 Mar 2011 : 10:18:08 AM
Jason, A full grid at Winton is 50 bikes. Have your discussion here!
JasonL Posted - 08 Mar 2011 : 10:10:00 AM

John, understand, but you know I have to ask! The problem with having P6 included in an all powers race is that:

1/ It would mean only a limited hit out for P6 bikes
2/ This would make it less attractive for any to come along knowing they will only get a few rides, and certainly fewer than the other historic classes
3/ The resultant reduced P6 numbers would then generate the perception that P6 wasn't up to much numbers-wise and would reinforce the appropriateness of the current program
4/ Most of all, having P6 run with P5 and P4 would simply dilute each class. I explicitly stated in the commission minutes that the aim for the introduction of P6 into the historic programs should not be to the detriment of either P6 or the existing periods.

Having said that, a feature all-powers race, or fastest 40 or whatever the configuration, would be of interest but should not by any means be the sole way to get P6 bikes included at meets.

john Posted - 07 Mar 2011 : 3:37:40 PM
We dont see discrimination;
There are awards for each capacity class within each race.
We cannot come up with anything better than the 3 x 3 format, we cant run solos with sidecars and we cant run the older classics with the P4 and 5.

So we have this format.

Come along to a committee meeting with a different format and I am sure it will be looked at, but we cant think of one.
john feakes Posted - 07 Mar 2011 : 2:54:21 PM
John, the problem with this format is that it discriminates against small capacity bikes.
Surely it would be possible to add P6 to the all powers P4 and P5 races?
Historically racing was not about big bikes, the classes were 125, 250, 350 and 500cc. Once we get into this "all powers" nonsense we lose any historical credibility.
I would bet that the car guys don't run all powers races.
john Posted - 07 Mar 2011 : 12:40:44 PM
Jason, we run a full grid in every event at Historic Winton.
Sorry, Jason, thsi is one of the events I was drewading having you ask that!
We have no room at all for P6.
We are allocated a set amount of time for the races we have, we can do what we like and currently we run the following
All Classic, Vintage & Class C (x 3)
All Sidecars (x 3)
All Powers, Post Classic & Forgotten Era (x 3)

All Classic, Vintage & Class C
All Sidecars
All Powers, Post Classic & Forgotten Era
Ken Lucas Trophy Race
All Sidecars
All Powers, Post Classic & Forgotten Era
Bill Luke Memorial Trophy Race
Sidecar Handicap Race
All Powers, Post Classic & Forgotten Era

Each grid is full and we rely on drop outs to get everybody on board.

It shows the on going issue of the extra Historic Class for my club.
JasonL Posted - 07 Mar 2011 : 12:01:54 PM


Can we please include P6 in the thinking for Historic Winton.

2 + 4 meets seem the flavour of the month, there is one at Eastern Creek over Easter
john Posted - 06 Mar 2011 : 9:56:14 PM
Alan, nobody cares, we have our own good meeting in October.
We cant race at every car meeting .One event at Winton is ok, another would be nice at Phillip Island but I doubt we will get an invite there.

I reckon we can run good meeting ourselves and since Historic Winton has been going 30 odd years I am sure we will continue to support it.
conker Posted - 06 Mar 2011 : 12:05:32 PM
I heard there is another historic meeting in October at the same place, which we don't get invited to. I wonder why that is?
john feakes Posted - 06 Mar 2011 : 11:57:11 AM
This type of event has the potential to be promoted into the sort of thing they do so well at Goodwood.
We need to generate some corporate interest to get some decent promotion.
Any ideas?
conker Posted - 06 Mar 2011 : 11:40:51 AM
The car guys recognise that we bikies 'really race' and that there is no 'flats on the tyres, back to the pits, we'll all be killed ' stuff! When avesco started V8 supercar racing, superbikes also ran at the meetings. Craig McMartin consistently ran a second faster than the cars, on the 999 Duke. Superbikes are no longer invited! There are many ways of making ourselves unpopular!

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