Insert Your Bike to the Registry  
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Welcome to the Classic Motorcycling Australia Bike Registry. Please fill in all the fields as it will help with keeping track of your bike and details.

All information supplied will not be given out to the general public should you specify in the below form not to make your information public.

All information supplied will remain the property of Classic Motorcycling Australia and will not be released to the general public. Should information change after submission, please contact the Webmaster @ Classic Motorcycling Australia and advise the Webmaster of the changes.

The only users you agree to allow your full information to, are members holding office at registered organisations (e.g. HMRAV).

* First Name:
* Street Address:
* Suburb:
* State:
* Postcode:
AH Phone:
Mobile Phone:
* E-mail Address:
* Actively Racing:
Club Details:
* Log Book:
* Spares:
Breif History:
255 Characters Max
* Last Name:
* Bike Type:
* Make:
* Model:
CC Size:
* Road/Dirt:
* Era:
* Forsale:
* Make Public:
Picture Online:
URL to Picture:

If you would like a place to store your image, then why not try:
Image Uploader or RIS Free Image Hosting

Note: Fields marked with a * are required

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